Monday, October 28, 2013

10,000 Before Daylight

Isn't it funny how we can go days to weeks without taking the time to sit down and create a blog post but we can't go even a day without thinking "I need to share this with the world" when something pretty awesome happens in our lives?
Well, I have had one of those moments within the last 24 hours so I am committing to sharing it with the few readers that are willing to read my bit of craziness.

Picture this....
I am working to clean out the garage yesterday which was much overdue. Honestly, the garage has been a catch-all for all of the junk that we didn't want to find a place for inside the house for several months now. The hubby and I had cleaned out the travel trailer/camper a couple of months ago and unloaded the goods into a corner of the garage for sorting through later. Well, to be perfectly honest...that stack grew and continued to take over a huge chunk of space that finally limited our walking area to a tight path to and from the refrigerator and exit door. We seem to get around to getting that space organized and tidy about twice a year. Needless to say, we were long overdue. It pretty much resembled a disaster area that needed to be just torched and written off as lesson learned but I woke with a bit of Sunday morning ambition and decided to tackle it and convinced my sweetheart to help me as well. Before we started, I had to take a before picture and share on Facebook. Yes, true to form for me, I love to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with a group of friends that can appreciate my procrastination...hehehe
Thanks to my FB post, the Bragg's felt pity on us and saved us from having to haul another man's treasure to the Goodwill on top of cleaning the garage.As we finished sorting, Bill backed up his trailer and took the load to the Lions Club since they will be having a sale to raise money for the Masons' good deeds.

Now...back to the really cool part. As I stood sorting through some books that were going to the to-be-donated pile, a smiling face crossed the street at the end of our driveway. I locked eyes with her and hollered out, "Hi, how are you doing?"
Before I knew it, she was walking up the driveway making conversation with "Do you do AdvoCare?"
How did she know?
Was it my glowing skin? (Insert giggle.)
Was it the fact that I was dressed in yoga pants and a T-Shirt? (appearing like I was thinking about health this morning)
Was it the aroma of Spark in the air?
Well, of course not. It happened to be the stickers on the back of our vehicles that she had noticed on her walks. How cool is that? Someone besides me and the tailgaters that follow too closely on the road noticed the great window decal that another Advo-friend had hooked us up with a few months ago.

Before we knew it, we were instant friends chatting about AdvoCare and the 24 Day Challenge that she and her sweetheart had started about 5-6 days ago. She has already had great success in her journey that began back in May but the 24 Day Challenge has taken it to that next level for her as she is motivated to meet her personal goals with weight loss and healthy living. She started walking in the neighborhood a couple of months ago as part of her plan. Owning your goals and letting go of the "not nows" are a couple of the first steps to wellness, and she is well on her way. Forty-five minutes later, we were making plans to meet at 4:30am this morning to walk together. Bam! Just like accountability connection is made.
All total so far this AM, I have managed to knock out 10,000 steps before 6am today. Not only have I started this day off with the blood pumping a bit, I have managed to find another buddy to hold me accountable as I work to reach my next health goals. Teamwork ROCKS my world!

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