Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 2...Not Labor Intensive...just Labor Day

This day has been nothing less than awesome from the time my feet hit the floor.
I sparked it up and headed out to the pavement to remind myself that heat and sweat are no barrier to a good workout. I really believe the humidity was upwards of 110% by the time we finally made it out there at around 7:30am. You know that feeling you get when you open the front door and the heat wave smacks you in the face. was that kind of morning.
Before we headed out for the "real" run, I ran with the neighbor's dog, Chrysler, for about 1/3 mile. That dog is one of the most precious creatures that ever took a breath (besides my sweet canine and feline, of course).
When I made it back in about 9am, I sucked down a little Rehydrate along with my Meal Replacement Shake.

While I cooled off, I had the opportunity to share my AdvoCare journey with a couple of dear friends on the phone. Times like those are what makes this journey so worth it...sharing and helping others find their fit with top-notch products to nourish the body. to the shower I went.

My sweetheart took me to eat a nice lunch at Kabutos Japanese Restaurant. WOW! I had some yummy Mahi Mahi and veggies prepared on the Hibachi grill.
We made a pit stop and visited with my grandmother in the late afternoon. She turned 89 years old last week so we had to celebrate at the local Shake 'n Shake per her request. She pigged out on a bowl of chili while I enjoyed a bowl of vegetable soup. After all, there is not much on the SnS menu that is Cleanse friendly but I wasn't going to just not eat while we sat there chatting. My sweetheart tackled a chocolate shake, 2 Chocolate Chip cookies, and a plate a fries like a Champion. :) Amazed how those men can eat like that and hold their own on the scales the next morning. He paid the price with a yucky belly the rest of the afternoon though :(.

Managed to get back home after a very full day and plug in my UPband. My smile just got bigger...I completed at least one big task today. I had set out to get at least 10,000 steps in today considering yesterday was a rather slow day with about 1/2 of that. Plus...I have committed to this challenge with the #START group in celebration of STEPtember. SUCCESS!

With those final thoughts...I am heading to bed for a little pillow time since 4am comes early. Yikes! That only leaves me about 5 hours to get 8 hours of rest. I have downed my Herbal Tablets as part of the Day 2 regimen on the cleanse. Later gators.

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