Friday, May 4, 2012

Back on Track

Spending this Friday...working from home...thank goodness! I am starting the day out ready for a nap already. Guess the yummy dinner and drinks last night at Stoney River didn't allow for a restful night's sleep considering I was up at 1am drinking water and 2am drinking Pepto Bismol (love the pink stuff). I had the opportunity to hang out with a few work friends and listen to a pulmonologist from TX speak about Pulmonary Hypertension (my specialty at Vandy). I tend to enjoy those kind of talks since I seem to learn a little something different each time. Dinner was amazing...started with jumbo chilled shrimp and a ripe, juicy slice of tomato topped with mozzarella for appetizer. Followed that with a nice dinner salad and swordfish plus mashed potatoes with caramelized onions on top. I tried the sauteed mushrooms and au gratin potatoes too...why not, I was intending on making the best out of those family style plates positioned in the center of the table :} I don't remember ever eating swordfish before but it was quite scrumptious. I wish I could have grabbed a pic of it but I didn't want to be rude since the speaker already had gained  momentum in the talk and it was dark in the room. The flash could have drawn attention to my obsession with sharing pics with my small group of readers. Based on how full I felt after dinner, I think I ate a portion more like this...

Now, the rolls there are phenomenal....but I restrained myself and only had one. Of course, it wasn't because I was trying to was more because I knew the chocolate cake and cheesecake were the dessert options on the menu. I knew that I needed to save a little loop in my gut for the "something sweet" after dinner. Yes, I did enjoy a small portion of both from the family style plate. I warned you that my eating was out of control this week!

On the upside, I did make it back to the gym yesterday AM before work. I had a chance to talk to a fellow beginning runner enthusiast (Tricia). She started running last fall in the Women's 1/2 Marathon and has completed 3 or 4 Half Marathons by now. She offered me some advice on (hopefully) preventing those nasty blisters and sore toes again. She said that tying my shoe laces a little snugger should prevent  my feet from slipping and banging the ends of my shoes. She divulged that she lost a toe nail after her first 1/2 but had gotten better at lacing since then. Needless to say, I will hope for the same. On a positive note, my toes are feeling better by the day....I should be able to stop belly aching about them in a week or so...hahaha.

After 4 days off of doing barely anything to constitute as fitness training, I took it a little easier. I spent about 25 minutes on the elliptical cross trainer in the cardio theater and then followed up by about 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 3.5-3.8 mph pace. After it was all said and done, I ended up burning about 330 calories. Of course, I blew those all out of the water with the before and during dinner drinks. Loving the margaritas and lemon drop martini!

Weigh Day Friday has rolled around way too quickly this week considering all of the over indulgences. Considering  the quantity and quality of my eats, I was quite scared to get on those dreaded scales this AM.

I wasn't kidding about the eating...up from 195.5 to 198.2. A whopping 2.7 pound gain in 7 days. Wowzers...I can pack it in from Friday to Friday as you can see. Well, this is what blogging for accountability is all about....GETTING IT BACK ON TRACK! I made my mind of last night that today marked the day that I would start tracking my food again on As I have seen in the past, writing it down is the best way to keep track of every calorie that crosses the lips.

Friday's Breakfast of Champions...logged at 410 calories

Tomorrow is my sweetheart's B-Day. He is a Cinco de Mayo wonder he loves Mexican food. However, we don't plan to eat Mexican tomorrow. We are tailing a limo holding 10 or so 8th graders to Shogun Japaneses Restaurant for dinner. Knowing that my 14 year old baby girl would be in the limo and at dinner without a parent chaperon, I felt it would be a better choice to make sure they ended up back to the school for the "8th Grade Formal" after taking the limo ride to the restaurant a few hours earlier. Over cautious...perhaps. But...I think a couple of the other parents are thankful for that as well considering the text messages I have received.  I will definitely post pictures of her all dolled up and ready to dance the night away after we get her completed with hair, nails, and dress tomorrow. I am hoping to surprise my sweetie with a little something special as well to recognize him on his special day. Considering he occasionally reads my posts...I think I will leave it a secret until tomorrow.

Before I sign off for the day, thought I would share a pic of The Gang (Gilda's) that was taken just before the race last Saturday. Dannah, Katie, and I are on the front row on the left. I ordered a couple of pics from the photo website as well. Those darn things must be lined in gold since it cost me $45 for 2- 5x7 pictures (including S/H and tax). I will share those once I get them in the mail. The price for memories...


  1. Great photo! I have learned that what kind of socks I wear make all the difference where blisters are concerned. You also might try body glide on and between your toes if you have not already. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Katrina...I will definitely experiment with the Body Glide moving forward on those long runs.
