Friday, May 11, 2012

Fun Friday

Started my day off by heading to the Springfield Greenway to walk with my new friend, Shirley. We have been going to the same church for a couple of years but never really took the time to get acquainted until just recently. She texted to invite me to walk with her last eve but I was busy with David, so we arranged to meet at the church this morning at 7am and ride to the greenway together. Initially, we had planned to keep to her plan with the Couch to 5K (C25K) program by doing walking/running intervals. However, when we arrived and I mentioned that the course was about 5 miles....she wanted to do more walking since she is just getting started with exercising. This offered a nice opportunity to get to know one another a little better since we talked and walked more than we truly trained today.

Just a snapshot along the path
We managed to complete 4.9 miles in about 1 hr 20 min. We stopped several times to take pics, grab a drink of water at the fountain, etc so this time is a bit skewed by multiple starts and stops. I did manage to burn about 530 calories so that didn't hurt my feelings at all. 
After we finished walking, we drove back toward home. We had been talking about smoothies so we made our way over to Pleasant Thyme Cafe for a frozen coffee drink. I went ahead and bought a veggie panini to enjoy for lunch before getting on with the rest of the day.
After a quick shower, I took my baby girl, Gretchen, to the vet for a visit. She has been gaining a little weight and starting to have some nasty stinch from her skin irritation on her back I wanted to get the vet's viewpoint on diagnosing the problem. They suspected that she is hypothyroid but needed to get blood work on her to confirm. Apparently, this is pretty common in small pure bred dogs. The blood sample that they collected today was "too fatty" to analyze. So...they asked me to hold her dinner tonight and tomorrow's breakfast. David will take her in at 8am for another blood draw. They gave us a spray for the skin irritation that is thought to be yeast and ear drops for the yeast in her ears. According to the vet, dogs with hypothyroidism have yeast infections frequently as well. Wow...such complicated creatures.

By 1230ish I was dropping Gretchen back by the house and headed to surprise Dannah at school by signing her out early. Thought she might enjoy getting a little extra time out of school on the last Friday of school. If all goes well, I will get Katie out early on Monday. Only 3 more days of school next week...then summer break begins. After I signed Dannah out, we headed to mom's house for a few minutes. We had planned to take my grandmother to a late lunch/early dinner. Steak and Shake seems like the best pick since she loves the chili and milkshakes there. 4 generations sitting around the table sharing laughter and stories...always a good opportunity to make sweet memories :)

Like mother, like daughter

Finished up the day by spending the evening with David's mom. She loves for all the boys and their families (she has 4 sons) to get together for holidays and celebrations so tonight was the best for all of the them to celebrate Mother's Day together. We all pitched in and bought her a new gas grill. She had fixed an amazing meal for the family around 6pm...ham, deviled eggs, chicken tetrazzini, scalloped potatoes, white beans, cream style corn, rolls/cornbread, and caramel pie. I ate responsibly since I had splurged with the Jalapeno Burger and fries at Steak and Shake earlier in the afternoon. All in all, the day was packed full of fun and good food...but I think I balanced it pretty well since I had burned those 500+ calories this AM on the greenway.

Last but not least, today is weigh day Friday. Drum roll please... 195.1
(Down 3.1 pounds this week)
I have made my way back down to the mid 190s again.
Looking forward to seeing another couple of pounds disappear this week, if possible.

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