Friday, September 20, 2013

Testosterone, TuTus and Gym Rats

Good afternoon "Fluffy..." friends and followers.

Let me start by saying that I am super pumped about this weekend. Tonight is going to be pretty awesome all by itself. My smokin' hot, bald man is spending the evening with loads of his AdvoCare friends at the Armory Gun Range for training, food, and fellowship. Yes, I said gun range. That much testosterone in one place with loaded firearms...yikes! So...back to me. While he is out there on the town, I will be home making our tutus for the Color Me Rad Run tomorrow morning. Yes, my most awesome man will be shooting firearms tonight and wearing a purple tutu tomorrow as we race to the finish line in honor of a dear friend that lost her life way too soon to that evil C word (CANCER) as a member of Shirleena's Purple TuTus.

Never fear, he won't be the only man that is making that transition. One of our friends, Jason, will be doing just the same thing.
His girl, Sara (my precious friend), and I will be hash-tagging it #tattoosandtutus along the way :)
I will be sure to post some pics on my Facebook page (Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit)  tomorrow and in the blog post to follow soon. My smokin' hot, bald man has to make his debut as well. I love this life and the people that decorate it with me!
Well, I have even more to share about this fitness journey that I have been on. Over the course of the last few weeks, I have tried out Cross Fit and Barry's Boot Camp plus Planet Fitness. Loved Cross Fit for sure but couldn't afford the price tag right now. However, Music City Cross Fit was nothing less than amazing and it is still on my wish list for the future. Barry's BC was a WOW sort of experience this past Monday. In fact, my biceps are still recovering. I tagged along with my friend, Denise. She has been a member for about a year and has had great things to say about the gym all the time. The truth is...IT KICKED MY BOOTIE! Arms and Abs were on the class schedule. It think I needed to sign up for a remedial class for starters. From treadmill runs/sprints to lots of bicep/tricep work...I hung in there decently well. Then...ABS truly wrecked me. I just plain couldn't perform. Obviously I need a lot of work in this area! Never the less, I survived the hour workout, paid my $22, and drug myself to the car. But that's not the best part! I couldn't drive. Why? you ask. Well, because I didn't have enough strength left in my right arm to put my standard transmission into reverse. My arm quivered and couldn't seem to muster the strength to make it happen. So.I did what any woman with half a mind and no energy would do...I sat in the car and made selfies with my camera. Anyone watching would have cracked up or thought I was nuts!
After it was all said and done, my man and I ended up joining Planet Fitness. The price is right at $20 per month/per member for the Black Card, and they have a crazy packed gym of treadmills, ellipticals, free weights, weight machines, etc. plus a few extras like HydroMassage Beds, Tanning Beds, nice showers, and much more. They are open 24/7 so that works for our crazy schedules. I feel like I just did a short commercial for them but they really are that great. In fact, the center we just joined is brand new. When you walk through the door, you can still smell the aroma of fresh rubber from the flooring.
My newest found loves are the HydroMassage Bed and the stretching "machine." It's not really a machine but I don't know what else to call something that makes you feel somewhat normal again after you have worked your bootie to the core. That bed is something wonderful! You simply lay on it and a high pressure sprayer beats all the soreness out of those legs,back and neck with warm water trapped under that black vinyl sheet.

Fast forward to Wednesday now. Bod Pod Day...or better known as "reality check." As part of this next 60 Day Challenge for myself, I agreed to get my body fat/muscle mass checked. As we all know, losing weight doesn't always equate to being fit. From the very beginning, I made my mind up that I would work on being more fit and less fluffy so this was just that next step in helping me know where I stand as of now. The great part is that Reggie is going to recheck me again in 60 days (just before Thanksgiving) to see what improvements I have made. The truth is...I wasn't real surprised at the results considering I had been in a study about 18 months-2 years ago that involved a DEXA scan. It measured my body fat at around 50%. So...any improvement would have brought a smile to my face.

The facts are in! I am still too fluffy but I have a lot of muscle to work with. Reggie said that the 37.8% body fat should be reduced to about 25% but that I needed to hold onto the 109% muscle mass. The key to that will be keeping the calories in line with about 1800 on days that I work out and still about 1500 on non-exercising days. I have a plan of action; implementation is key!

Well, that about wraps of this week. I will catch up with the world after my tutu is crafted, the race is complete, and this weekend is thoroughly enjoyed!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

#STEPtember #Cleanse #CrossFit....Unbroken!

Please forgive my slacking on my posts this week as it has rolled into the weekend. On the upside, I was able to get a few thoughts on the Facebook page "Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit" but that doesn't really take the place of the blog since I love to just unfold my day in paragraphs rather than simple sentences...hehehe

Thursday and Friday seemed to be just average overall. I remained strong for Day 5 of the cleanse on Thursday with the average eats and then fajitas for dinner at the local Mexican venue. I enjoy that menu selection since I can get chicken/steak/peppers/onions all grilled up while skipping the rice, beans, and tortillas. I did enjoy a little Pico and guacamole though with my meat and veggies. FYI: You don't really need all that filler of rice, beans, and tortillas to really enjoy that meal.

Day 6 (Friday) was a work from home day. I needed to get my steps in for my #STEPtember challenge before the day started strong, so I took out to the pavement way early (around 5:15am) with my girl to get my 3 mile run in and ended up hooking up with a couple of the neighborhood ladies to complete my steps while walking another couple of miles before heading into the "office"...(aka: Kitchen table).
 When I made it back in, I threw together a smoothie. Ingredients: 1/2 frozen banana, 6-8 frozen strawberries, 4 chunks of frozen pineapple, 1 tbsp Chia seeds, 1 scoop Muscle Gain Vanilla Protein Powder, 8 oz water, 2 pkts Stevia. Simply wonderful...
I managed to get a record total of steps in on seeing just over 9 miles logged :)
Dinner on Friday night was a bust. I had cooked up some ribs that I picked up at Costco. They were nothing less than horrible. Over-seasoned from the store, too salty, and tough as raw hide. So...instead, I ate some leftover rotisserie chicken with a ton of that yummy Sweet Kale Salad. Yes, I ate that same meal twice today...Lunch and Dinner.

Saturday...can't wait to share this! My smokin' hot, bald man and I went to our first Cross Fit class at Cross Fit Music City. In all honesty, I was a bit nervous. Not knowing what to expect mixed with knowing I was going to be sore...Yes, I was a bit anxious but excited all the same.
Our friend, Loren, had invited me a month ago but I needed to recuperate from a simple dermatology surgery on my back so had to decline. She was kind enough to think of me again and messaged me on Friday to ask if I wanted to meet her at the class on Saturday AM. Of course, I was quick to take her up on that offer. Turns out...David and I could try it out for free at the Community Class so I talked him into going with me. Sucker!
I Sparked it up with Mango Strawberry and added some pre-workout Arginine Extreme. Turns out...that was a perfect combination for energy and fueling my muscles.
A little history on Loren is that she started with this Cross Fit group about 6 months ago. I have watched her grow inside and out as she has found a true passion for toning up and formed friendships with folks that have similar interests and goals. I have seen pictures of her lifting ability; needless to say, I wouldn't want to challenge her with a dead lift.. This cutie is a mother, a wife, a professional in the workplace...and last but not least...a woman that desires to be better. If for no other reason other than that desire to be better...we are connected!

Despite being a little bit sore today, I can wholeheartedly tell you that WE ARE HOOKED! Yes, that smokin' hot, bald man in that pic loved it too. The CrossFit community is a different breed. They don't scowl at you because you are slow and holding up the group. Instead, they lift you up and cheer you on as you are dragging in for the last set of the 200 meter run carrying a 14 pound med ball, 25 situps with the med ball, 200 meter run without the ball, and 25 squats with that same 400 pound med ball (at least it felt that heavy by the end).

After a quick stop at the church for a baby shower, we headed home for a quick shower of our own. Protein was much needed after that kind of workout so we headed to a late date lunch :) Saturdays have really been nice since I am not routinely working away from home any longer. AM workouts rolling into impromptu dates with my man...loving life...thank you AdvoCare :)
After lunch and a quick stop back home, we hit the road again to a Pampered Chef party. Oh how I love me some Pampered Chef! Back home by about 8ish and had to get those #STEPtember challenge steps in so my girl and I walked the neighborhood together...walkin', talkin', makin' memories. those 10,000 steps in with some to spare:
Sunday (Today)... Spent the day with my sweet little boy for 12 hours. He was not feeling completely up to par but we still enjoyed the day together. Lunch was a bed of spinach with a mound of rotisserie chicken and 1/4 cup of cashews plus a small handful of grapes sliced of nicely. I drizzled balsamic vinegarette on it. Yum! Dinner... The chili was on the stove and the fire was in the pit waiting on me when I arrived home. We enjoyed a bowl of chili while sitting out by the fire and laughing as David shared a childhood memory of his. Take home lesson..."Don't pour gasoline on a fire." It will end up burning up your dad's work truck along with leaving you with singed eyebrows. Sharing time with the family was far more important than getting those steps in this evening. So... 
Unfortunately, I didn't meet my 10,000 #STEPtember goal today...but I will definitely make it a point to get to goal and then some tomorrow.
Well, it's bedtime so sweet dreams friends. Day 8 of my cleanse is behind me! I will be weighing in on Wednesday to see where I am after the Cleanse Phase of the Challenge as I am heading in to the Max Phase. My workout clothes are looser so maybe that's a good indication that I am less fluffy.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Eat Your Veggies...and a Chicken Leg

Today's blog post is all about making good clean choices for those lunches and dinners. Yesterday (Day 3 of my Cleanse) and today (Day 4) have been successful salad days from beginning to end. Let me put a disclaimer on what you are about to read....Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged!! I have been known to do some pretty crazy stuff when it comes to foods that I really enjoy.

I sucked down the Meal Replacement Shakes for breakfast both days and more or less snacked on fresh fruit and a handful of pistachios or almonds both days. Moment of truth...I am craving salt right now! In fact, I pretty well over did it with the pistachios yesterday before I even realized what had hit me. One handful led to ..oh well...way too many. I'll just leave it at that :(   But...back on track today with no crazy binges to report.

Tuesday Lunch: Included a Mandarin Orange cut into bite-size pieces, a Pluot, and a fresh veggie salad with 4 ounces of grilled chicken. I drizzled some Balsamic Dressing over the salad for a tangy flavor mixed with the sweetness of the fruit. It was a WIN! For those not familiar with pluots...they are a hybrid fruit that is a cross between a plum and an apricot. Yummy!
Tuesday Dinner: Leftover Pork Roast (6 ounces) with Salsa Mexican creation.

Wednesday Lunch: A 4 ounce can of Albacore Tuna (drained) mixed with a single serving size of Guacamole (Costco), fresh salad, 1/2 peach, and a pluot. I didn't even need dressing this time since the tuna was so creamy.

Wednesday Dinner: Sweet Kale Salad and Rotisserie Chicken (5 ounces). I found this Kale Salad mix at Costco a couple of weeks ago, and it is simply amazing. I made a special trip to Costco tonight after work to pick up another bag. Well, of course, I had to get one of those fantastic chickens as well. Those at Costco are huge for $4.99. I priced the Walmart birds a couple of days ago...they think a lot of theirs now...priced at a whopping $8.99. Yes...that's ridiculous if you ask me. Now..another moment of truth. I made it to the parking lot and loaded the box of goodies into the back of the Xterra. Then...that chicken leg was calling my name. I could hear it whisper from under the plastic dome that was housing it. So...what other choice did I have but to open it up and grab a bite off of that doggone chicken. Yes, I was eating a piece of the chicken leg while standing in the Costco parking lot all alone with the hatchback of the vehicle hanging in the air. I have been threatening to do this time after time. I mean..come on...have you ever had to ride 35 miles with one of those amazing smelling birds all hot and roasted up? The good news is...I did have ample handi-wipes in the car glove box since my hands were some kind of sticky. Well, it's behind me now. That's all I've got to say about that..hehehe

Back to the salad talk... It comes with all these nutrient-rich superfoods/veggies plus the dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, and poppyseed vinegarette dressing. Rumor has it that this salad mix can be found at Publix as well. Also, it is even better the next day so plan to make it a day ahead and enjoy for at least 2 days after.

These last few days have been pretty amazing with getting in my steps. Participating in the STEPtember challenge with my #START Weight Loss and Healthy Living group has been quite encouraging for the accountability. I have made my goal of 10,000 steps daily since September 2nd...3 days and counting now.  Today's steps: 11,203 and this is without a morning workout logged for the day. 
Well, guessing I better close for today. Days 1-4 behind me of the 10 day Cleanse. I am feeling less fluffy around the mid section despite Mother Nature getting ready to whip my bootie in a few days. I will be weighing in again on Day 11 as I jump to the MAX phase of the 24 Day Challenge. I wished that I had measured again at the beginning of this challenge. However, I will be sure to measure at the end and do a little comparison with the first 24 DC that I completed back in Feb/March 2013.

Later gators!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 2...Not Labor Intensive...just Labor Day

This day has been nothing less than awesome from the time my feet hit the floor.
I sparked it up and headed out to the pavement to remind myself that heat and sweat are no barrier to a good workout. I really believe the humidity was upwards of 110% by the time we finally made it out there at around 7:30am. You know that feeling you get when you open the front door and the heat wave smacks you in the face. was that kind of morning.
Before we headed out for the "real" run, I ran with the neighbor's dog, Chrysler, for about 1/3 mile. That dog is one of the most precious creatures that ever took a breath (besides my sweet canine and feline, of course).
When I made it back in about 9am, I sucked down a little Rehydrate along with my Meal Replacement Shake.

While I cooled off, I had the opportunity to share my AdvoCare journey with a couple of dear friends on the phone. Times like those are what makes this journey so worth it...sharing and helping others find their fit with top-notch products to nourish the body. to the shower I went.

My sweetheart took me to eat a nice lunch at Kabutos Japanese Restaurant. WOW! I had some yummy Mahi Mahi and veggies prepared on the Hibachi grill.
We made a pit stop and visited with my grandmother in the late afternoon. She turned 89 years old last week so we had to celebrate at the local Shake 'n Shake per her request. She pigged out on a bowl of chili while I enjoyed a bowl of vegetable soup. After all, there is not much on the SnS menu that is Cleanse friendly but I wasn't going to just not eat while we sat there chatting. My sweetheart tackled a chocolate shake, 2 Chocolate Chip cookies, and a plate a fries like a Champion. :) Amazed how those men can eat like that and hold their own on the scales the next morning. He paid the price with a yucky belly the rest of the afternoon though :(.

Managed to get back home after a very full day and plug in my UPband. My smile just got bigger...I completed at least one big task today. I had set out to get at least 10,000 steps in today considering yesterday was a rather slow day with about 1/2 of that. Plus...I have committed to this challenge with the #START group in celebration of STEPtember. SUCCESS!

With those final thoughts...I am heading to bed for a little pillow time since 4am comes early. Yikes! That only leaves me about 5 hours to get 8 hours of rest. I have downed my Herbal Tablets as part of the Day 2 regimen on the cleanse. Later gators.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Up for the Challenge...Day 1.

Today marks Day 1 of 24 for this 24 Day Challenge. These first 10 days are for cleansing the gut of toxins and junk that has accumulated over the last 90 days. Honestly, I am really looking forward to these 10 because I know that my body needs a good scrubbing in order to jump start my way through these last 25 or so pounds that are still remaining on this fat-brained chick.

The alarm sounded at the 5am hour...time to start the work day. First, I enjoyed a  Spark and my Catalyst. I am definitely doing my best to follow the 24 Day Challenge Booklet that comes with the products. One might think that this would be easy considering I have completed 2 other Herbal Cleanses prior to starting my 3rd today. However, I really want to give this 24 Day Challenge the best of me...which means following it to the letter. As human nature would have it, we get lazy with the best laid plans and guidelines.
Today was a private duty nursing work day so I got to take care of my little fella for 12 hours. Over the course of the day, I made very good food choices. In fact, I kept it very simple by starting today off with a Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shake. I blended it and drank it on the road.
My snacks included a serving of nuts and fruit a couple of times today. Lunch was a 4 ounce can of Tuna in water with some guacamole mixed in for creaminess. My veggies were already cut and ready to bag up. So...I ate a few cucumber slices and red pepper slices, a couple of carrots, and a handful of cherry tomatoes.
Dinner...AMAZING! My sweetheart cooked it up on the grill for us.
I finished up this evening with my OmegaPlex (2 gel caps) at dinner and the Herbal Tablets at bedtime.
It's great when you realize that you have an amazing amount of energy still left in reserve after eating dinner. In fact, I went ahead and snagged a little plank time so that I could pick up where I left off in August for the 30 day Plank Challenge. I managed to hold the plank for 2 minutes so that is where I will start off...Day 16.

My impression of this day...EXCELLENT. I was really concerned that I would feel starved since I have loaded up the belly over the last couple of days with Friday night pizza and a cookout last night in celebration of the College Football Kick-off. The scales showed that indulgence but my body didn't feel starved. I am about 3 pounds up from my weight about a week ago. Honestly, my body was probably thanking me for today as I allowed it to recover after some crazy over-indulgence.
Unfortunately, I didn't make my STEPtember daily goal of 10,000 steps for the #START Weight loss and Healthy Living group. I managed to knock out 4,640 steps today which is actually more than a typical working Sunday for me. Planning to rise and shine early tomorrow (Labor Day) and knock out 3 miles :)'s to sweet dreams and cheers for Day 1 success.