Friday, September 20, 2013

Testosterone, TuTus and Gym Rats

Good afternoon "Fluffy..." friends and followers.

Let me start by saying that I am super pumped about this weekend. Tonight is going to be pretty awesome all by itself. My smokin' hot, bald man is spending the evening with loads of his AdvoCare friends at the Armory Gun Range for training, food, and fellowship. Yes, I said gun range. That much testosterone in one place with loaded firearms...yikes! So...back to me. While he is out there on the town, I will be home making our tutus for the Color Me Rad Run tomorrow morning. Yes, my most awesome man will be shooting firearms tonight and wearing a purple tutu tomorrow as we race to the finish line in honor of a dear friend that lost her life way too soon to that evil C word (CANCER) as a member of Shirleena's Purple TuTus.

Never fear, he won't be the only man that is making that transition. One of our friends, Jason, will be doing just the same thing.
His girl, Sara (my precious friend), and I will be hash-tagging it #tattoosandtutus along the way :)
I will be sure to post some pics on my Facebook page (Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit)  tomorrow and in the blog post to follow soon. My smokin' hot, bald man has to make his debut as well. I love this life and the people that decorate it with me!
Well, I have even more to share about this fitness journey that I have been on. Over the course of the last few weeks, I have tried out Cross Fit and Barry's Boot Camp plus Planet Fitness. Loved Cross Fit for sure but couldn't afford the price tag right now. However, Music City Cross Fit was nothing less than amazing and it is still on my wish list for the future. Barry's BC was a WOW sort of experience this past Monday. In fact, my biceps are still recovering. I tagged along with my friend, Denise. She has been a member for about a year and has had great things to say about the gym all the time. The truth is...IT KICKED MY BOOTIE! Arms and Abs were on the class schedule. It think I needed to sign up for a remedial class for starters. From treadmill runs/sprints to lots of bicep/tricep work...I hung in there decently well. Then...ABS truly wrecked me. I just plain couldn't perform. Obviously I need a lot of work in this area! Never the less, I survived the hour workout, paid my $22, and drug myself to the car. But that's not the best part! I couldn't drive. Why? you ask. Well, because I didn't have enough strength left in my right arm to put my standard transmission into reverse. My arm quivered and couldn't seem to muster the strength to make it happen. So.I did what any woman with half a mind and no energy would do...I sat in the car and made selfies with my camera. Anyone watching would have cracked up or thought I was nuts!
After it was all said and done, my man and I ended up joining Planet Fitness. The price is right at $20 per month/per member for the Black Card, and they have a crazy packed gym of treadmills, ellipticals, free weights, weight machines, etc. plus a few extras like HydroMassage Beds, Tanning Beds, nice showers, and much more. They are open 24/7 so that works for our crazy schedules. I feel like I just did a short commercial for them but they really are that great. In fact, the center we just joined is brand new. When you walk through the door, you can still smell the aroma of fresh rubber from the flooring.
My newest found loves are the HydroMassage Bed and the stretching "machine." It's not really a machine but I don't know what else to call something that makes you feel somewhat normal again after you have worked your bootie to the core. That bed is something wonderful! You simply lay on it and a high pressure sprayer beats all the soreness out of those legs,back and neck with warm water trapped under that black vinyl sheet.

Fast forward to Wednesday now. Bod Pod Day...or better known as "reality check." As part of this next 60 Day Challenge for myself, I agreed to get my body fat/muscle mass checked. As we all know, losing weight doesn't always equate to being fit. From the very beginning, I made my mind up that I would work on being more fit and less fluffy so this was just that next step in helping me know where I stand as of now. The great part is that Reggie is going to recheck me again in 60 days (just before Thanksgiving) to see what improvements I have made. The truth is...I wasn't real surprised at the results considering I had been in a study about 18 months-2 years ago that involved a DEXA scan. It measured my body fat at around 50%. So...any improvement would have brought a smile to my face.

The facts are in! I am still too fluffy but I have a lot of muscle to work with. Reggie said that the 37.8% body fat should be reduced to about 25% but that I needed to hold onto the 109% muscle mass. The key to that will be keeping the calories in line with about 1800 on days that I work out and still about 1500 on non-exercising days. I have a plan of action; implementation is key!

Well, that about wraps of this week. I will catch up with the world after my tutu is crafted, the race is complete, and this weekend is thoroughly enjoyed!

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