Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's not about the bunny...

I am just getting my thoughts in type this evening from yesterday since I found myself still working on my annual evaluation for work at midnight last night. 
Procrastination should be my middle name!


Nevertheless, here is a recap of my Good Friday as it rolled into this evening.

Yesterday started off a bit "late" since I slept in until 9am. Yes, you read it right...9am. I honestly don't remember even getting up to go pee at the usual 4am urge.

I tossed a whole turkey breast in the crock pot for dinner since dinner needed to be easy. Have I mentioned how much I love crock pot cooking? If not, I have now :) Not only does it save tons of adds moisture to even the average meat dishes. Turkey breast seems to always be too dry unless it is deep fried...and there is no chance for a deep fried turkey around here any time soon. I sprinkled a few seasonings on it and inside the cavity, slapped the lid on, and set it to HIGH for 6 hours.

The day seemed to fly by as I spent some morning time just catching up around the house with chores and then off to the mall we went since the rain wasn't letting up. I mean who doesn't want to surround themselves with lines of traffic and sopping wet people in a crowded space :)?!

However, I really enjoyed hanging with my oldest and my sweetheart at The Mills for lunch. I experienced the Greek side of life with a tasty chicken and lamb salad. This dish was a first but definitely not the last if I can help it. The only downside was...that lamb reminded me of how much flavor it had ALL day long. :(

Well, we made it back home about 630pm. That turkey in the crock pot made the house smell like Thanksgiving dinner. I cooked up some fresh string green beans in olive oil and balsamic vinegar with a spoonful of garlic. Our family loves garlic so it just comes natural to add it in when and where I can. Plus, I sliced up some sweet potatoes,  brushed them with olive oil, and sprinkled with salt/pepper. The potatoes cooked for about 20 minutes in the 375 degree oven. Then, somehow they found themselves being brushed with a little honey butter and slid back in the oven for about 5 more minutes. Oh my goodness, it just doesn't get much better than that!
We topped dinner off with a little homemade banana "ice cream". I know...we shouldn't have but we did. :)

I skipped exercise yesterday since simply squatting down seemed to be quite a challenge after Thursday's mileage on the Greenway. My thighs are still burning. Recovery mode in progress!

I have to brag on my men at home this evening. They rocked it in the kitchen again. I arrived home to a FANTABULOUS  dinner of chile verde, Spanish rice, and baked zucchini. Wow! I could have eaten a mountain of this but I managed to restrain myself and enjoy an average plate full. On the other hand, this is my "growing teenage boy's" plate full...

Hope you peeps have a fantastic Easter! So thankful for the cross. Here is your little taste of goodness:

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