Friday, November 1, 2013

I must say NO!

Who's with me? Are you ready to commit?
I decided to say "NO" this month. This is a...
NO excuses
NO cheating
NO quitting

I woke this morning with the burning desire to make a stronger commitment to myself. Being a better version of me is what I have been working on for 3 years now but in all honesty...I kind of envisioned it as a marathon rather than a sprint. I catch myself making numerous excuses for this meal or that treat or for not exercising as I play the old saying in my mind, "I have the entire week to work this off."

Even after spending 2+ hours at the gym last night, I returned home and shoveled fresh salsa verde and Baked Scoops in my mouth until I was stuffed. What the heck?! Why didn't I just come home and fix a protein shake and call that dinner? It's because I have endless cravings that seem to never get satisfied. And before you even think it, it's not because I don't give into those cravings on occasion. Actually, it is more likely that I see those extravagant expenditures of calories as opportunity. Opportunity to indulge after I have battled hard to bust that fat in the gym just hours before. The truth of the matter is...this must stop if I am ever going to feel my best and look my best in a realistic amount of time. Now...I am not talking about the saggy tricep area or my kangaroo pouch of a belly that is residual of 2 C-sections and years of obesity followed by 80 pounds of weight loss. Those areas will take time to mold and sculpt into "my awesome" but I am talking about getting off of that roller coaster of high salt and carb-laden foods that tend to bloat me up like the Michelin man.

Therefore, I will be taking small steps toward correcting my over-indulgent behavior all the while focused on feeling and looking my best through these holidays. After all, I have goals in mind. Initially, I had hoped that the scales would reflect me reaching my goal weight by Turkey Day. Well, that's not gonna happen but I WILL be closer than ever before. I really don't even know what that "perfect" number on the scale will be because I don't ever remember seeing muscles under that adipose tissue in my entire adult life prior to now. Even at my smallest adult weight, I was still not in shape. SO...if I had to guess, I have about 25-30 pounds left to lose but I am not staking a claim on a number until I get closer. Those darn BMI charts are full of bull for the most part but they can at least give me a mile marker to shoot for potentially.
Oh, before I forget, I must mention that I am getting super excited about continuing my running/training in the cool/cold weather this year for the first time since I completed the Country Music 1/2 Marathon back a couple of years ago. I tend to get lazy over the winter and let all that conditioning go to waste that I would spend building on through the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Not this year dang it! My hot, bald man and I have registered for several chilly 5Ks and a 15K leading into February so warmer clothing purchases were a must. I went online today and made a few selections. has some of the most awesome wicking headbands that I love to wear so I picked out a new pink one. In addition, we both wanted to try the compression calf sleeves for running so I added a couple of pair to the cart along with a couple of neck gators to keep the warmth tucked in nicely. I offered to get the hubby the bright fuchsia pink sleeves but he so gracefully declined. I mean seriously...have you seen that man sport a tutu? He can rock some pink!

I suspect you are thinking about that leftover Halloween candy that seems to be calling your name after last night's festivities. If you think you have it bad, we still have our stash because the inclement weather warnings prompted our Mayor to reschedule the Trick-or-treat plans for tonight instead. But we are ready for all the princesses, goblins, super heroes, and such with all 13.2 pounds of sugary goodness.
Once the last doorbell ringer trots through our yard and the porch light dims, the rest of this "junk" will need to find a new home because I am starting my Herbal Cleanse on Monday. Cleaning out this gut with good fiber, better nutrition, and probiotics is what I am preparing to do with those next 10 days. Yes, I am ridding this body of those cravings like everyone should. Fluffy or fit...we all need a good flush about every 60-90 days. Stand by and watch the inches melt away and the scales to shift over the next 30 days of November.
Happy Fall y'all. 
Don't forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK before you head to bed on SATURDAY NIGHT.


  1. Awesome blog!! I agree with you on the calories. After I go for a run, I see it that I can eat more!! I gotta get back on track myself!!! We will miss you tomorrow!

    1. Just know I will be pushing you harder from a distance. Shoot for PR, Angie! :) Make it worth it.
