Thursday, May 30, 2013

Success in Numbers

Yesterday was a great day for productivity if I do say so myself. I started to get up at the typical 4:30am and hit the pavement but then thought..."Heck, why would I do that when I could get out at 9am and sweat miserably?" The sunshine is not a compliment to working out when it is beating you in the face. I tell ya'...4:30am workouts ROCK! But...9am it was for a full 30 minutes.

I had plans to meet up with an old friend at Olive Garden for lunch. We chatted about life, love, and pursuit of happiness for a couple of hours while we fed our faces. I chose the Apricot Chicken...not my favorite but it was edible. The salad it the real reason I enjoy Olive matter what else lands on the table. And...I enjoyed a couple of plates of that before the entree arrived. I avoided the breadsticks without any trouble this go around since I had weighed in for Weigh Day Wednesday and needed to beef up my game a little since I am not losing as steady as I would like. In fact, I had gained 1 pound as of Tuesday morning when I weighed in at the office. For Weigh Day Wedneday, thanks to my FIBER drink...I am back down...which equates to minus 70.2 pounds since my journey began October 25, 2010 (that's 20.6 since starting AdvoCare on February 15, 2013).


Back home and hangin' with my sweetheart...check!

So, on to this morning...I managed to drag myself outside this AM instead of the elliptical that I had planned. I went ahead and made my mind up to complete 30 minutes of cardio so that I could compare this morning's pace with yesterday. Ok, don't laugh! Yesterday was a run/walk day with intervals for the most part. My pace was just under 13 minutes for 2.31 miles. My walking pace this morning with about 4 minutes of running was 14:36 with total mileage of 2.05. As you can see, my jog pace is not all that impressive but I am trying to stretch out that stride more to cover more land. Only time will tell...

Today marks the end of the last 24 Day Challenge. Unfortunately, I can't share inches lost with you since I didn't measure this go around but I will report that I lost from.. 184.2 to 179.8 (again this AM). So, it's official...I have left another 4.4 pounds behind. So, my next mini-goal is to get down below 175. Sometimes it's baby steps in my life...5 pounds at a time is how I have lost the last 70 so here I go...steam rolling ahead.

Day 1 of my 2nd 24 Day Challenge (May 6)

So, I am excited to report that the Biggest Loser Challengers are stinkin' amazing over-achievers! Another 10.2 pounds lost this week amongst 7 peeps that weighed in . I gained that pound that I mentioned earlier by Tuesday's weigh day so I won't punish their numbers with that addition. So...10.2 this week and 27 pounds last week. I rally behind each and every one of their losses because it's the teamwork and motivation in numbers that has helped me over the last couple of years. They are seeing the formula for success and I am loving it! If ever they wonder who is their biggest cheerleader, they need not look any smile gives it away! :) I love those folks!

Here is a little taste of goodness for you today:

A fellow foodie and weight-conscious friend, Linda, has shared a new recipe with me that I want to share with you...

Raspberry Vinaigrette:

1 cup raspberries, 1/4 c balsamic vinegar, 1/4 c apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp sugar (adjust for

the sweetness of the berries), 1 heaping tsp Dijon mustard. Blend together and stream in

about 1/2 c olive oil until the dressing comes together, salt & pepper to taste.

Monday, May 27, 2013

My Hot Bald Man

Memorial thankful for those that gave all.

Where do I even begin? This day has been amazing since the alarm clock sounded at 6:30am. My sweetheart had already decided last night that we were going to head out on a run/walk this morning before we started our day. The really cool part is that I was excited to say YES! without even taking a breath. After a little snuggle time, we headed out the door to the pavement all laced up and ready to kick up some heartbeats.

I can't even convey in words how excited I am that my man has decided that being healthier is a key part of our longevity together. We are not guaranteed tomorrow but knowing that we are taking active steps to being healthier each day helps reassure me that we are not just sitting around waiting on chronic health issues to smack us in the face. He had to come to it all on his own like many of us (including myself) must do. Just over a year ago, he had 230+ pounds hung on his 6'2" frame. As you can see, he is no short stuff like me but to carry 230 pounds was a bit of a stretch on his medium frame. He was faced with "either lose weight or decide to treat your high cholesterol and pre-diabetes" after his annual check-up with the doc. He chose the "lose weight route" since he had already said, "I WILL NOT take any medicines." and I said, "Then, you MUST take one of the two options so the only one I see remaining is LOSE WEIGHT."  I can be a turd when I need to be. So...he did just that in a matter of about 4 months and has kept all 30-35 pounds off since then. He has not been much of an exerciser in his adult life since he doesn't get that "feel good feeling" after he runs or walks long distances. To sum it up, he has just humored me by getting out there and doing it for the sake of health (and not having to listen to me)...hehehe. I am happy to say that we have completed probably a dozen 5K races together over the last 18  months or so, and he seems to really enjoy those since you can just about see the finish before you get started good. And of course, one of the best parts of the race is breakfast at Cracker Barrel afterwards (to hear him tell it)....hehehe. So, enough of history...let's talk about today.

We knocked out about 4 miles but that included our warm-up and cool-down laps. We managed to complete almost 10 full intervals of run 2 minutes and walk 1 minute. Either I have gotten faster or he has gotten slower since our last attempt to run together because I could actually keep up with him. The usual pace is he out runs me but then I catch up and pass towards the end since I have a little better endurance for the long haul. However, he can flat kick it with the sprints. Nevertheless, we made it to the end together and that's what really makes me happy.

After our showers, we packed up the cooler with waters, nuts, and protein bars and headed up the road to Turkey Bay in Kentucky. Their yellow and orange diamond trails are do-able for us since we don't have the Jeep off-road ready just yet and that was just enough mud and dirt for this girl today. I love spending that time with my man but there is only so much jostling that one gal can handle on top of the fear of getting stuck or broke.

We took so many neat pictures for our own memory album but most were those kind of "you had to be there" moments since you can't feel the real impact of splashing mud and rutty roads unless you are bouncing around in the doorless/topless Jeep out in the midst of the wildlife.

So, after about an hour and a half wheelin' on the trails, we headed out to Grand Rivers for a fantabulous lunch at Patty's. If you haven't had the pork chop (or anything on their menu for that matter) from Patty's, you MUST go just to see what craziness that I speak of.

The spinach salad with Hot Bacon Dressing...yes, I went there.
2 inches of Pork Chop grilled to perfection with a sweet potato...yum!
Yep, you see it correctly...they serve the bread in the
 flower pot that it's baked in. Sides of Strawberry Butter.....oh my!
So, after we made ourselves quite miserably full, we headed back in the Jeep for the windy ride home. I must add that I did NOT eat even half of my pork chop and only consumed about 3 bites of bread along with my salad and sweet tater. In fact, they have some pretty awesome desserts, but I let them keep them in the kitchen. :)

My doggy bag consisted of about half of a pig that will serve up nicely for lunch tomorrow. "Ethel" greeted us with a smile as we walked out. Gotta love a smile like that! Bless her heart...

 From Patty's to home, it was a quiet hour and a half ride. Wow, we are both tuckered. man just keeps on helping me love this day more all the while dreading work tomorrow by dragging out his guitar. He is so sexy when he sings and plays. Man, I am so in love today...these kind of days are blog worthy if for nothing else than to help me remember how precious he really is to me.

Dessert is in the oven...thanks to Pinterest and my buddy, Shelly. She brought it into the office a week or so ago. Light, fluffy, and delicious...1 can crushed pineapple and 1 box of Angel Food cake. Mix then together and pour it into a 9x13 pan sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. There you have it...a quick and easy dessert after a long day...wheelin' with your honey or just to sweeten the mood for snuggling this evening.

Your little taste of goodness...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Everybody can be a ROCKSTAR!

Rolling back to Wednesday...
Wednesdays are one of my favorite days of each week. You are probably thinking...why not Friday just before the weekend? Well, I will quickly tell you that Wednesdays are really special for me for at least a couple of reasons these days.'s Weigh Day Wednesday for me personally (relating to my Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit journey) and's the 1st week weigh-in of the Biggest Loser competition at my office.

10 people in my office have committed to holding one another accountable in the workplace. Teamwork! Teamwork! Teamwork! These folks are more than determined than ever to get leaner and healthier as Summer approaches. 12 weeks of eating better/cleaner, exercising, and being accountable to one another. So...without further delay...I must share that THIS TEAM HAS ROCKED WEEK 1...minus 27 pounds with 8 of our 10 that weighed in yesterday. That is a whole 12.7% less of the clinic folk fluff that what we had on May 13th..hehehe. These folks have passed up boxes of Dunkin Donuts and homemade cakes throughout the week as they have their eyes set on the grand prize...$100. They paid up $10 to participate with the group in hopes of taking home the loot at the end. We figure it by percentage (%) of weight loss rather than total pounds since some have 10 pounds on their agenda while others have multiples of ten (like myself). On the office scales from 2/13 until 2/22, I left behind 1.5 pounds of fluff which equates to 0.81%. Others left behind anywhere from 1.3 pounds to 7.1 pounds (the biggest loser with % being 3.1%...GO Lesley and the biggest loser with pounds being 7.1...GO Linda). At the end of the competition, it is all about % so we all have to have our best foot forward the whole way. The awesome part is that I have no doubt that each of us will have learned a lot about healthier living along this journey.

This week 5.22.2013

Weigh Day Wednesday treated me fairly considering that I didn't drop a lot on the scales but I did feel thinner this week. I know...that sounds weird but it just feels like I may have shrunk an inch or two overall in the last month or so. It probably stems from more exercise but I am tickled either way...I'll take inches any day!

Ok, so just a 0.2 pound loss but it is not a gain. As I like to make myself believe, I could have had a whole pound lost if I could have POOPED before that weigh in. :)

Today's lunch consisted of leftovers. However, these were better than usual leftovers since we had eaten out for Mexican last night. The grilled Tilapia and mixed veggies are simply amazing! Of course, like most of the meals from restaurants, they serve you 2 to 3 times what is needed at one sitting. Therefore, I packed up half of it and enjoyed lunch today just the same as I did dinner last night. I share this with you so that you know that there is always a decent choice :) But...if you are not a seafood fan, steer clear...hehehe

One more thing to share with you today...
About a week ago, I found this stuck to my window as I arrived at my car after a long work day. I have saved this as a reminder that there are gonna be days that I don't feel like a Rock Star but I should remember that others see that in me when I don't see it myself. This little note happens to be from a fellow nursing co-worker. This fella has moved on to bigger and better in the research nurse arena so we don't get to hang out much anymore. The really cool part is that he spent the morning with both of my girls as they volunteered for a research study that he is coordinating. They jumped at the opportunity to earn a quick $50 but were really excited to know that DeWayne was making all of this happen for them with great ease. I mean...they didn't even hesitate even though they had to be at Vandy at 6:45am this morning on their first Summer vacation day. If you ask me, DeWayne is the ROCK STAR!

Ok, just a little taste of goodness for your Thursday...

My Gracie...just as precious as she is rotten.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cleansed and Set for Success!

My eyes popped open at 3:45am this morning unassisted by any alarm, loud jackhammer outside, or dogs barking. Jeez a meez...I had my multiple alarms (UP band, phone alarm, and bedside alarm clock) all set for 4:15am in stages as to prepare me for hitting the pavement this morning. Why did my mind think my body didn't need that other 30 minutes? Oh well, I made it to the curb to meet up with my buddy, Angie, and her sweetheart for a morning hustle. We knocked out almost 3 1/2 miles before it was time to head in for showers.

Just as I got back inside, I realized that I had already had 16 ounces of water plus Spark. Dang it...I like to weigh naked and before I have had anything to drink or eat. marks Day 11..the end of the 10 day Cleanse portion of my 24 Day Challenge so... onto the scales I hopped. To my surprise, I am a LOSER. Looks like I am down 2.4 pounds in these 10 days. Fan-friggin'-tastic! I can almost see the 170s! My body fat percentage shows a nice decrease but I rarely bank on those numbers because I look at the law of averages. Still...I am illustrated by all the !!! ending my sentences..hehehe.


10 days ago
OK, so I had a mind boggling experience yesterday as I posted my before (10/2010) and current picture on my Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit Facebook Page. Friends far and wide congratulated me for my effort and determination over the last 2 plus years. My heart overflowed with happiness as I had several folks reach out to me asking for me to share my story and success tips with them. For every day that I wonder if I am on the right track, yesterday's response secured it for me. I want to lead by example and not leave a stone unturned or a person untouched when it comes to sharing my journey of getting healthy. I have spent many many years in the obese class of people and am still there for a few more pounds. BMI today: 31.1. As you may remember, an interaction with one of my physicians that I work with is what sealed the deal for me to think about BMI. If you missed it, click HERE. Thankfully, I am well on my way to leaving those days behind me and only carry memories of how I felt when I could only shop in the Plus Size department and couldn't do the simple task of crossing my legs without feeling like my toes would fall off due to poor circulation. I am so very thankful for the continued support of the multiple accountability teams that I have arranged throughout my life...friends, family, and this blog. Thanks to all who read my blog and who are challenged to improve themselves on a daily basis. I still have about 35-40 pounds to go but I am ready to enjoy this journey for every day that I am given to share my story.

Enough about me is your little taste of goodness:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Mother's Love

I jumped out of bed this morning ready to rock this day. First things first, I dressed for the cool, crisp air outside and laced up the shoes. Out to the pavement I trotted for a solo 3 miles...just me and the road ahead. I felt like I needed to start the day with the energy boost that walk/running outdoors provides for me since I had a lot on my agenda...housekeeping and preparing Mother's Day dinner for the family. I ended up walking most of the 3 miles and just enjoying the iPod tracks. Funny how sometimes just being alone to think and get the blood pumping is one of the best gifts that a mother can receive. :)

Right after I made it back to the house, I jumped in to tackle the housework. Dishes, dusting, laundry, clean bathrooms, vacuuming, and so on....yes, I was thankful to have Katie's and David's help for sure today. Dannah had been at work since 6:30am so that she could enjoy dinner with me and the family in the late afternoon. She is such a hard worker even at 16 years old; work ethic A+. About 10:30am, I realized that I had not stopped to eat breakfast. I blended a chocolate mocha meal replacement drink with a little PB2 and kept working as I sucked it down in record time. The family was set to arrive by about 3pm so I was amazingly productive since it was crunch time.

Today's menu: Roast, mashed potatoes, sweet potato wedges, creamed corn, seasoned green beans, caramelized carrots, and beer bread. As you can see, I skipped the beer bread and limited the other carbs as well. However, I did choose to take a couple of Carb Ease to help block the carb absorption since I figured every little bit of help I could get would be great. Day 7 of the 24 day Challenge seemed to be successful despite all the food options at the family gathering. That in itself is living proof that you can still be reasonable with your food intake during special occasions.

Of course, I was super excited that I had burned about 300 calories this AM when my sister-in law showed up with a fantastic dessert. She also brought along rice crispy treats made with peanut butter and pecan pie. Both of those were easy to pass up when I saw the perks of the fruity option. She used fat-free sugar free whipped topping, frozen unsweetened fruit, angel food cake and almond slivers. I did enjoy about 1/2 cup of it, and it was simply yummy!

My mom and step-dad hadn't been over in a long time for dinner and even longer for my brother and sister-in-law. It's not that I am opposed to having dinner guests; it is just that all of our schedules rarely allow for gatherings as a whole family. The primary reason that I wanted to cook at home was so that we could spend time chatting without lots of distractions, limited seating arrangements, and loud crowds. Pretty cool that my intentions for good quality family time were successful. Everyone decided to leave out about 645pm so we made our way to the couch for a little R&R before bedtime. As I plugged my UP band in to sync it for the 2nd time today, I was blown away by the results...19,120 steps today. No wonder my feet are aching! Later all...

Your little taste of goodness for today...
Meet our babies:  Gretchen...the only child that my sweetheart and I have together :) She is about 8 years old (as of mid-April) and loves me best...hehehe.  Gracie...our adopted feline about the same age. She loves David best but she is definitely one of the best kitties that I have ever had. These 2 bonded from the beginning even though they weren't raised together. We have had Gracie for about 3 years now but it seems like we have had her a lifetime. Mommas love their furry babies, too.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Strawberry Stride

The alarm clock sounded at 5am this morning. Up and at 'em I had to be! Struggling with a good 'ole Springtime cold didn't make me any more motivated than a Star-Nosed mole. However, I had committed to complete it so I was not going to let a little runny nose and head congestion keep me from that task. Zyrtec down the hatch along with a bottle of Slam and a glass of Rehydrate to give me a little energy boost along with pre-hydration. We hit the road by about 615am since we had to drive to Portland (about 50 minute drive) and wanted to be there in plenty of time to confirm registration, get our T-Shirts, etc. The girls and my sweetheart were not nearly as enthused about the early morning breeze and chilly temps but they warmed up to the idea of being there as soon as we made it to the START line.
The START line was also the FINISH line so we went ahead and snapped a couple of pics before it got overcrowded.

As the crowd started to build, I spotted my hero...A man of honor that chose to run in full gear to represent the Fire Department and Emergency Management System of his town. I mean who wouldn't just walk up to a total stranger and ask him to pose with you for your blog. :) Yep, that's me...I thanked him for his service to the community and then asked for his pose.

He finished around 45 minutes running in his uniform and full gear. Heck, he was even outrunning me for a couple of minutes at the beginning :). The best part was not that I ran across the Finish line several minutes before him but that he ran across with a wad of money in his hand. Folks donated along the way as he was running for charity. Awesome!

So my results were not bad overall considering I beat my 5K times that I have been run/walking in the neighborhood recently. However, I didn't doubt that I would beat them by several minutes because I have been training to keep my heart rate in the fat burning zone (135-155 bpm) as much as possible with the training. Today was an all out sort of day with no heart rate discretion along the way. So my full details are linked HERE but my average heart rate was 176 bpm with a max of 188. Now that is one hard working heart if I do say so myself. ;) My splits are detailed below. One of my favorite sayings applies here:  I am not fast but I wasn't last. Not quite the gazelle as my Katie is for sure. Dannah beat me in by about a minute or two, I think. I tried to keep her in my sights most all the way until she turned on the jet fuel toward the end.

Avg Pace

Around 1 1/2 miles, I felt like the road was never going to end. I could still see Dannah in the far distance but couldn't seem to find the energy to catch up. Instead, I just continued to put one foot in front of the other and press on. I seemed to tag team with another lady dressed in Yoga pants and appeared to have just stepped out for a morning stroll. Gosh, some folks make it look way too easy..hehehe

I wanted to share my sweetie's results here as well since it was our first race of 2013. He has not been out running since October of last year. I am so proud of him for being there with me and the girls because he doesn't get near the thrill out of the effort that I do. Now, those results are nothing to be ashamed of for sure!

Farmer's results on his Garmin
One of the best memory making moments of this race was at about 2.75 miles when I noticed a young fella kind of struggling to make it that last quarter mile. We were headed up an incline before the last corner when the Finish line would be in sight. He had been within 50 feet of me most all the last half of the race so there was no way that I was going to let him give up now. I nudged him a little and said, "Come on, you ain't gonna let this old gal cross that Finish Line before you!" He smiled ear to ear and took off running with me. He found the little ounce of energy that he had thought was stolen around the 2 1/2 mile which was just enough to make it to the end and finish strong. So, once again, I had to capture a picture of him to share since I am a believer that YOU MUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF until the very end but that sometimes it takes someone else to see YOUR STRENGTHS in order for you to realize them. Some folks would say that I am totally weird by asking a total stranger to pose with me but I have a feeling that he realized my passion as evidenced by his smile.

After it was all said and done, I burned about 400 calories. As tradition would have it, we most always head to Cracker Barrel for a good solid meal after the race. Today was no exception. I enjoyed a couple of fried eggs and a sampling of country ham, turkey sausage, and a strip of bacon. The kids laughed since it looked more like a bite or two of each one of those meats but it was still enough fat to make my arteries scream out. I avoided the sourdough "eggs in a basket" that I love since I am into Day 6 of my 24 Day Challenge and going strong. However, I did enjoy about 8 oz of fresh OJ to give me a little lift after I had about worn myself thin at the race given that I am feeling a little under the weather.

I am cooking the Mother's Day dinner for the family (my mom and step-dad, brother and sis-in-law, my sweetie, and the girls) tomorrow so I am super excited to be able to have some good family time at home visiting with everyone. I am so very blessed to be a mom of 2 beautiful girls and 1 step-son. He is spending the weekend with his mom so he didn't race with us today and won't be around for dinner tomorrow; however, he sent me a precious card as a reminder of how I fit into his life. I love him as if he is my own flesh and blood.  Hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day with your families.

Just a little taste of goodness for you today:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Inspired-Day 4

Last night was a scrumptious opportunity just waiting to happen. My sweetheart and I enjoy a good Mexican meal but I am starting to get tired of my regular clean menu choices, fajitas (no rice or tortillas) and grilled chicken salad (no cheese/dressing). When he mentioned he wanted to just meet for dinner at Mazatlan,  I was trying to brain storm on what besides the regulars would be a good choice. Then all of a sudden, I saw a glow coming from an item on the menu as I reviewed it in my mind. It just jumped right out to me as if it was calling my name. The Tilapia Dinner...tilapia, grilled shrimp, mixed veggies seasoned to perfection! I shoved most of the shrimp to the side since it is recommended to avoid those on the Cleanse Phase. As you can see, the kitchen must have thought this was "family style" since they served me enough for at least 2 maybe 3 people. To Go boxes work amazingly well for keeping the intake in moderation :)

This morning started out Day 4 with great pleasure. Walking in the hood with Angie...remember the one that I called out on Monday for bailing out of the exercise in the wee hours of the morning? Well, she totally made it up to me this morning as we started at 5am and knocked out a nice chunk of land as we traveled in circles around the block. Beautiful opportunity that everyone should experience...the morning sunrise.

She is part of the original Secret Scale Society but she has literally melted since that pic was taken. She would kill me if I posted any up to date ones without her permission so you will just have to trust that she is lookin' stinkin' awesome :)

Brisk run...happy knees!
So, I have decided to share my before pics taken this past week prior to the start of this 24 Day Challenge. If these are easy access in my post, then I will be able to click back and see where I have come from and focus on where I wanna be. The biggest key to my weight loss and health journey moving forward will need to include toning since I am starting to see more and more saggy, baggy skin. Over 60 pound weight loss at 40 years old...I will embrace those wrinkles and be happy that my hips and legs don't hurt from carrying the cargo. :) However, my P90X beast mode kid had a simple solution..."Do arms and back with me, momma." So, I am in! Starting tonight we will be toning and working those biceps and triceps.

 Some great AdvoCare product is heading to my house this week. I was fortunate enough to get my pre-order in within the hour that Watermelon Spark sold out of the limited Special Offer supply of 3,000 canisters and 3,000 boxes. The official launch will not be until June so I am pumped that I have a little to hold me over. The Watermelon Spark tastes just like a giant Jolly Rancher...who wouldn't love that?! If you want me to get in touch with you about sampling or purchasing a box/canister, send me a quick message. I can ship it wherever you live in the U.S.
Tonight is probably going to be a bit of a challenge. Me and the sweetheart are headed to an Awards Ceremony for one of the girls. It will be catered so there is no telling what will be on the buffet. But...the cool part is that it is 5 minutes from home and that's where a Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shake can be consumed within seconds after the return home. So...I got this!

Oh, almost forgot to share my new tool that the girls and David got for me for a combo Mother's Day and Birthday present. I are looking at your calendar and wondering why so early since Mother's Day is still 3 days away and my birthday is not until June. Well, my family is much like me...when we get someone something, it kills us to not give it to them. Of course, my begging to see what was in the bag had nothing to do with it...hehehe. :)

It was a new UP band to help me keep track of my movement and calorie burn, etc. You even wear it while you sleep...hmmm...interesting. I am super excited to see how it works but I can tell you that it vibrates when you are sitting for too long. Needless to say, it has vibrated a couple of times while I have been typing this blogpost. Therefore, I am going to say tootles for now and get busy for my day.

A little taste of goodness for you today: