Thursday, March 29, 2012

Getting started...

Hello world! I have decided to go public with my accountability with losing weight and continuing to get fit. Instead of trying to back track and detail my life as it has unfolded over the last 17 months, I will just dig in and spoon feed those morsels to the world along this journal process (aka..blogging) starting with TODAY.

I started my day (as usual) with the alarm sounding at 4:15am. Time to get the workout clothes on, the Garmin 305 attached, and the Adidas shoes that rock my world on my feet.

As I am waiting for the animals to eat in the AM, I always try to catch up on my daily read of blogger, Slim Katie, at . She is stinkin' amazing for daily inspiration that keeps it real.

Heading to the Downtown Y on my work days is my strategy to
"Get 'er dun" before the body wakes up and realizes that the mind is "down right crazy" since the sun won't shine for another hour or so. I am training (nearly) daily for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in late April. This morning at the gym was my attempt to get in 3 miles in about 35 minutes. It ended up being about 40 minutes but at least it's behind me now. Saturday's training with Gilda's Gang will be a whopping 9 miles along the hilly terrain in Nashville. That mileage will be the most this body has ever seen at one time. Only 4 more weeks of training before the 1/2! 

Just a little history for you...My girls, Dannah (15) and Katelyn (14), have always been active teenagers that were involved in multiple sports; however, they had never challenged themselves to a training program ending in 13.1 miles. As the Week 1 training drew near back in February, they asked me if they could participate as well. I couldn't say "no" to them considering they took the initiative to pay their own participation fees and were willing to get up for training on their Saturdays off. As I cross the weeks off of the training schedule on the refrigerator, I realize that I am so blessed to have "my girls" right by my side each step of this journey. My very own "accountability team" that lives with me, works out with me, and still loves me despite being "mom".

Ok..back on track now that I have digressed. :) After the gym, my work day starts at Vanderbilt University Medical Center by about 7:30am. Today is not different. Here I sit, getting my day's priorities in order and sipping on a Starbucks Skinny White Chocolate Mocha (+ 1 Splenda). If all goes as planned, the work day will wrap up by 5ish, and I will head home to join my hubby (David) at the local Mexican restaurant with his fellow Jeep enthusiasts.

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