Saturday, July 13, 2013

Making Neon Memories

Saturday, July 13th...A wonderful day off with my sweetheart!
We slept in an extra hour or so and then hit the road in the Jeep. Pit stop at the PH Support Group to visit with my patients and enjoy a nice presentation by one of the Vanderbilt Dayani Center's finest, Zack Klint, as he presented the crowd with the importance of exercise. I must share the link to the video that he started the meeting with today...23 1/2 hours
I have heard the importance of exercise presented many different ways but never quite as cool as this one. Brief and to the point but impacted the crowd all the same.

In fact, Zack was quite amazing all on his own. A few of the notable quotes from today...

-"Somebody has to do something, and it's incredibly pathetic that it has to be us."-- Jerry Garcia
-"If exercise is the prescription, then what is the dose?"

Next, we made our way over the Costco since we have been forced to retire our old Bullet after about 5 years. We might have used it a dozen times before this February 2013. Since February, it has been used no less than 3-4 times a day. Blended smoothies and meal replacement shakes for our family is the job that it has been called to do more than ever before. Proud to say that Costco has a heck of a deal. 26 pc set for $44. I think we were gifted the first Magic Bullet years ago for about $60 for a set almost half this size.

We made our way back home in time to snack a little and then don our race clothes and garb for the GloRun. This was our first ever night time we made it nothing less than fun.
Our run goodies
We didn't join the team that my friends at Vandy but had a great time hooking up with them from the beginning.
The Neon Fruit Loops and me and my guy. Pulmonary Clinic folks ROCK!
The GloRun was definitely a fun run that wasn't timed and was intended opportunity for making memories. That is exactly what we did! Just as we were walking toward the start line, David spotted an unsuspecting fella that caught his eye. I had to stop and grab a quick photo with me and him. Loved his shirt and he was such a great sport for allowing me to capture a pic of it for this post. FLUFFY!
 It started out in Downtown Nashville at LP Field at about 8:45pm. As the sun was tucking in behind the clouds, I wanted to snap a quick pic of the Batman tower in the distance.
We finished up at almost 10pm considering we started towards the middle of the pack and then stopped to take pictures along the way. In fact, my sweetheart and I didn't even run much of it. His knee was really paining him so we took it slow most all the way after we ran the first quarter mile.
The Starting Line
 As we neared the end of the course, we stopped one last time to grab a neon picture.
 We live in such a beautiful I had to capture a small piece of the scenery.
OK...back to the work force in about 5 hours as the alarm will sound loud and clear. Sweet dreams...

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