Friday, April 20, 2012

No Blame with this Gain!

Today, like many working Friday's, had started out quite crazy. Working from home is not always "a cup of tea" since it's all about the ringing phone/voicemail and fulfilling the patient's needs before the weekend. Best intentions end up falling to the way side, such as eating and bathroom breaks. Yes, I admit that I tend to stay put in my kitchen chair for the majority of the work day only to realize that I have not eaten nor taken a potty break since awakening. Thankfully, I have realized that the headache that was looming over me for the past 2 days was most likely related to DEHYDRATION so I have made it a point to DRINK today. That being said...the bathroom break is destined to come soon :)

Well, today was Weigh-Day. The official scale (in the kitchen) screamed out in agony as it displayed the numbers 198.8. Ugh...0.7 gain from last Friday. I would love to blame it on training or normal variance of the scale but that would be a fib. I can most likely thank the margaritas x2 last night and one mid-week for those so-not-needed calories. Those damn things get me every time! I shoulda and coulda but didn't pass up on an invite to hang out with some old friends from my previous job right after finishing the workday at Vandy yesterday. Laughter along with LOTS of peanuts and a couple of Ritas later...the "Fluid and Electrolyte Conference" was a success. That "F and E Conference" saying dates back to several years ago when we felt we needed to put a positive slant on stopping for drinks after we tried to make it sound official and work-related by calling it a Fluid and Electrolyte Conference...I know it sounds cheezy but who the heck cares now...right?!
Mother Nature visited me this week and decided that she would punish me just before the marathon. Back cramps and moodiness is never welcome but glad to see it now rather than on race day.  In addition, I have been whimpering over my left hip pain since last week's run/walk (10 miles). Today is the first day that it has felt almost back to normal. In addition, that sore toe that I mentioned last week has managed to survive but has a pretty nasty bruised look under the nail. Just might end up losing that nail after all but if that's all that is lost in this training experience...I'll take it! I managed to walk briskly a couple of times this week (about 3 miles each time) and added more steps into my "every day" at work, but YMCA time has not existed. Honestly, I am surprised that I was not up more than 0.7 lbs this AM considering my lack of initiative and overindulgence in ritas. Here's to a better week!

More on a positive note...I need to boast a little! On myself...NOT...but on my not-so baby girl, Dannah. You remember her...the motivation behind every step I take on Saturday mornings :) Well, she was invited to the Junior/Senior Formal by her friend, Mark. She got all dolled up yesterday (thanks to my mom's help because I had to work) and was escorted off to the formal and bonfire. Tears rolled down my face when mom texted me this pic. My little girl is no longer little anymore!

Tomorrow is the last official training day with Gilda's Gang before the 1/2 Marathon next Saturday (28th). Along with the 6 miles plotted for the morning, I am excited to get my team shirt back with a few names added. We had the option of adding "In Memory of" and "In Honor of" names to represent why we are participating in the 1/2 Marathon with Gilda's. I could have decorated the entire shirt with special people that I have cared for and either lost or healed over the years during my Oncology nurse days but I felt that I needed to keep it more personal (and simple). I included my step-dad (that raised me thru those growing up years but lost his life to metastatic lung cancer), one of my best friends from high school (who lost her life way too early to an unknown primary cancer), my father-in-law ( that battled throat cancer and has remained in remission for a couple of years now), and my uncle (that is currently battling kidney cancer). I will be sure to post a pic of my shirt tomorrow once I get it back from the printer.

More to come tomorrow....

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