Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to Blogging

I made it back to the blogging world! Hip, hip, hooray!!
After a long hiatus and more pounds to lose since I last posted (July 14, 2012), I am re-committed to this accountability of documenting my success and many struggles on Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit.

I haven't been a total slacker given that I did continue the hit or miss post on my Facebook page (Fluffy and Figuring Out Fit) through part of the Fall last year but seemed to just lay low while I gained momentum into that gutter. I have to giggle in reading my occasional post as I seem to have had several "fresh starts" over the course of those 3-4 months. However, I really kicked it up a notch as of February 15, 2013...the beginning of the new and improved ME. Just a little recap, I began some rather reckless (rebellious) behavior around Halloween 2012 and let myself spiral into a gutter both physically and mentally through the Winter. Approximately 15 pounds heavier on the scale and nearly buried alive emotionally, I managed to find the strength to extend my arm above the current that was towing me under. An old HS friend of mine, Joy, reached out to me and tossed me a rescue line called Advocare. 

Since I started the 24 Day Challenge on February 15th, my life has truly never been this amazing. I have been able to share my new found energy with my family and friends over the last 30+ days both through my actions, my physical changes, and my knowledge of the supplements that Advocare has to offer. I am weighing in at 190 lbs as of last Friday from the 200.4 about a month ago. By eating "cleaner" and following the Advocare recommendations while using the products, I have made quick progress. I don't remember the last time I documented a 10+ pound loss in 30 days. My immediate goals are to leave this last 40-50 lbs behind me for good and to continue to share my positive experiences with others in hopes of redirecting someone else's life like Joy has done for me. She and her team have served as an anchor in the sea of success for me. A big whopping thanks to Joy and Summer for the unconditional support that they have shown to me through their compassion in helping others find a healthy means of survival. Ok...I's starting to sound more like a girl crush with all of my bragging on them...but it's just the facts :)! Now...on to TODAY's voyage.

Started this morning on the elliptical at 0530! Yes, it is my only day off for the next 8 days, and I really wanted to sleep in on this rainy day. BUT (even more importantly) I really wanted to spend some quality time with my workout partner (aka...daughter). So...we had to knock out our exercise before she got showered/dressed  for school. I jumped on the elliptical and managed to sweat and pant through 30 minutes. However, my newest record of 3.1 miles in 27:15 was set this morning. She hula hooped for 35 minutes straight while working with hand weights. Jeez a meez, that is harder than it looks for sure. I have trouble keeping it up for 35 seconds much less 35 minutes. She is definitely a beast with coordination. Oh,to be 16 again. Who am I kidding?! I wasn't like that at 16!! In fact, I am and was less coordinated than all three of my kids! Thankfully I didn't pass along those genes...hehehe.

Well, since I am up and ready for the day, might as well get busy. Today's agenda: Cleaning house, washing clothes, and grocery shopping. Planning to throw some Jerk Chicken in the Crockpot to simmer all day. I will be sure to share a pic in tomorrow's post because as I freely admit...I am addicted to good food!

Thanks to this blog and the faithful (or even occasional) readers, I am destined to be held accountable to someone besides myself which seems to work the best for me. If you subscribe to getting my posts emailed to you, I can honestly say...I will try to end each post with a bit of encouragement for your day ahead since everyone needs a little taste of goodness each day. Today's little taste of goodness:


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