Monday, March 25, 2013

Mondays...Ready or Not Here They Come

Gotta love how those Mondays come once a week whether we need/enjoy them or not. 
I am totally ready for this week though. One more "wake up" and I am gonna stay-cation myself into an organizing frenzy. To be perfectly honest, I am one of those weirdos that loves to clean. It relaxes me and helps me de-stress. So...I feel certain that I should be sleeping well and feeling refreshed by the time I go back to work at Vandy next Thursday. Yes, I said "Thursday". Now, I am still set to work on Saturday and Sunday (this weekend) but I am vacationing from Vandy for a few days to get caught up on the household chores that I have been neglecting.

Status Update: MNS C for "appetite control"
I started the new vitamin packs today, and so far so good. I have noticed that my belly is in a much better place and not "jittery" this morning as it had been with the "E" formula. 14 days will be the true test...but I am a believer in the MNS supplements one way or another.

Got my grove on this, the elliptical, and Netflix documentaries.

I do have to admit that watching these documentaries on juicing have made me consider the vegetarian/fruitlifestyle for a nice challenge. Maybe thinking a week long challenge would be
doable but not really considering a complete upheaval of my love for meat (especially my sweetheart's grilled pork chops)...hehehe :) I will have to think on when to try this challenge though since it would take plenty of preparation and timing on my part.

In my Pinterest searches yesterday, I ran across this recipe that I wanted to share with you all. It caught my interest because it is potato but supposedly the good kind of sweetness and carbs that we can all love and not feel as guilty.

Here ya' go: One serving is only 81 calories; cut up a large sweet potato, toss the wedges with a little bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper, and bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes. Planning on trying these this week so am hopeful mine look this yummy when they land in my plate.

Had to share this funny with you since we have all felt this way at some time or another. Our kitty, Gracie, had decided to just camp out by the food bowl in anticipation for dinner time. Of course, she is so lazy...she decided to just plop down and wait rather than having to return to the kitchen at dinner time (2 hours away). Anticipating...the next meal. The best part is that she is sitting in front of the dog bowl rather than her own.
The second pic is one that I snapped on the fly and thought it fit here appropriately since she looks like she is waiting to "weigh in" on the scale in front of her. Gotta love those picture perfect moments :) Btw, it's nearly Weigh Day Wednesday. I am excited and nervous all the same. That will be 41 days since I dug my way out of that gutter. No matter that number on the scale, I must remember that ...

This is your little taste of goodness for the day :)


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