Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Real Challenge

Thinking about workouts and how to get started seems like the toughest part of getting my groove on. Once I am up and dressed, the toughest part is behind me. My most successful attack plan is to get up and moving before the brain figures out it has lost before making it into that snuggle stage of sleep. That golden hour seems to be at about 5am. If I am still laying in the bed at 5:15 am then the day will start at 6 am for me instead. Operation Snooze! The "working woman/man" secret to success is to get up and on that treadmill/elliptical or the Yoga mat long before the rest of the world has even gotten up for their early morning pee :) I challenge each of you to try it a few mornings in a row and see how it changes the tempo of your day. Early morning exercise accomplishes 2 specific things for me: (1) Jump starts my metabolism and gives me more energy throughout the day (2) It's done! I don't have to think about exercise the rest of the day.

Kept my elliptical time a little shorter this AM since I wanted to add in crunches on the big ball, strength training with my kettle bell and stretches. A total of 40 minutes well spent!

Now...the rest of the day can be focused on just making good food choices. Hence, this is why I shared the picture at the beginning. Once you master the early morning exercise, the workout part is truly easy. Then, nourishing that prepared body with the right foods is the primary challenge that you have on your plate that day. I won't try to pretend that I make the best food choices but I can say that it seems to be easier when I prepare the night before. That being said, my lunch is typically packed and waiting in the fridge for me to grab 'n go the next morning. Today...leftovers are on the menu. Eating the remainder of the Jerk Chicken that I cooked in the Crock pot on Monday and another Greek salad.  I tossed in a pear and orange for those snack times between breakfast and dinner. Last but definitely not least, I added my Oikos Non-Fat Vanilla Greek Yogurt mixed with about 1/4 cup French Vanilla Almond Granola. LOVE this treat in the afternoon just before leaving work! It seems to satisfy any remaining hunger pangs and hold me well until dinner time. Loaded with PROTEIN and yummy til the last bite. I admit...I have tried licking the container but seem to get more on my nose and chin than on my tongue :)

Tonight will definitely be a night to simply relax before the Friday rolling into the weekend. Grilled porkchops and zucchini (thanks to my sweetheart) are on the menu. Might just have to throw in some brown rice since I haven't had any in quite a while. I have been trying to incorporate quinoa and couscous here recently for a change up since they are loaded with protein but I am trying to love whole grain options as well as brown rice instead of the white stuff as well :)

Just in case anyone is interested in tracking their eats, check out and find me at dragonfly248. I love the accountability and enjoy sharing ideas for good food choices. Keep in mind, I am not one to model yourself after...just a resource for options while you are trying to "figure out fit." I have made my diary public so that you just have to ask for my "friendship" and there you have skeletons in my closet...hehehe

Here is a little taste of goodness for your day:

We all have to start some where!

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