Monday, April 1, 2013


Just couldn't help but share this...too stinkin' cute!
Easter Sunday was a pleasant day at work for me. My sweetheart, son, and one of my girls made it to the church only regret to my day was not being able to sit beside them and listen to the sermon and fantastic music that 24 Church always offers up.  I hope you all had a wonderful day sharing some special time with your families.

Now, I will confess a little something about yesterday eve that was quite enlightening for me...
I had already planned to be bad by noon yesterday! I had my sights set on chips, salsa verde, and a margarita for dinner. I had already thought about eating a steak and cheese quesadilla as well since I hadn't had something/anything that grease laden in weeks (6 to be exact). In fact, my plan was to indulge and bulge till I couldn't hold any more..hehehe. SO, I texted my sweetheart and arranged to meet for dinner at our most favorite local venue for that planned over-indulgence. At 7:05pm, I was well on my way back toward home since the restaurant is about 1/2 way in between work and home which makes it convenient for the family to meet me there when we are looking at a late dinner on those long work days. In addition, that gives the family (my hubby) a freebie since he cooks for our family on Saturday and Sundays. I pulled into the parking lot only to find that they were already CLOSED! Jeez a meez, how could it be?! I had planned so well but yet so poorly. It was EASTER Sunday for goodness sake! The employees were thankful to be at home with their families after serving others all day. How could I be so selfish to be frustrated? Well, I honestly wasn't frustrated at all. In fact, I called the honey and said, "Don't bother coming this way. They are closed. I will be home shortly and will be 'eating cleaner' today after all." For those that know my love for Ritas and Mexican food, that was a really big deal. However, I proudly say that I have avoided any sort of that kind of cheat for over 6 weeks now so it didn't really hurt my feelings that I would not be breaking that streak. In all honesty, I think it will be a while before I plan to have that rita since the scale and the tape measure are making me feel the love lots more than that salt-rimmed glass of calories. Last night's dinner plans were foiled by none other than that little angel sitting on my shoulder thanks to Advocare and Jesus, of course. I is weird to use both of those names in the same sentence but it just seemed appropriate for the moment.

Now, that I have confessed my "near indiscretion"...on to today we will go!

I had set the alarm to work-out with Dannah at 5:30am. many of my days off, I ended up laying in the bed and snoozing until 7ish instead. She will do her daily crazy, beastly routine this afternoon consisting of planking, hula hooping, and push ups; therefore, I have to get busy on the elliptical and the crunches before my day rolls into the evening. The evenings are just not the best time for my motivation to kick into high gear so I will have to stick with at least mid-mornings with or without her.

Well, this morning has been occupied by organizing cabinets and cleaning the kitchen with a little laundry on the side. I do have to giggle as I realize that Advocare has turned into a family affair at our house. The girls love the Meal Replacement Shakes, the AdvoBars, and the Spark. David and I love ALL of it. We have gone from occupying 1 shelf in the cabinet to 2 now. Before long, I will need to have a separate pantry for my Advocare supply :)

Like I mentioned last week, I am determined to get my bonus room organized this week. So, I am off to work out, organize and make a difference with this day off work. Thinking I will be making fajitas for dinner with this new seasoning I bought at World Market last week. Wish me luck...

On a more random note: A sweet friend emailed me a current pic of my canine daughter's brother. Same litter but definitely different at age 8. Gretchen turned grey gracefully while Fritz remained true to his birth color, black.



Here is your little taste of goodness for the day:

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