Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome to Sonic...Watch for Snakes!

Cute pic that I snapped in the neighborhood. Chalk on the driveway...gotta love kids.
My day off (yesterday) started off fabulous considering the weather was nice enough for me to get outdoors for my run/walk. By 8am, I started off with my brisk walk and then started to jog since their were several cars passing by and I needed to look like I had a destination and was goal oriented..hehehe. In fact, I think that the cars passing by and the people out on their porches had plotted against me. I really want to be a true runner so I try to look the part when I am passing others on the road. Come on..admit it...you do the same thing! If I am really just walking then I walk with a more determined step and if I am running..then I try to look like I am not dying in the process as I pass by other folks along my journey.  Well, back to today...the passing cars and porch sitters were strategically placed so that I had to keep my game face on almost non-stop :) Toward the end of my 3 mile mark of run/walk, I hollered out to a couple of neighbor ladies sitting together on the front step as I passed and said, "Now, ya'll aren't gonna let me feel wonderful after this exercise all day by myself are you?" One of them replied, "I haven't done my run yet but I am gonna head out soon." This statement can be interpreted in one of two ways:

1. She had no intention of running but felt the need to reply. (OR)
2. She is a real runner and doesn't really have to schedule her run. She probably just takes off on foot when she feels the urge.

If (2.) is the real truth, I despise her :) No..not really but I really envy folks like her. Signing off on my sappy soap box as this wanna be runner.

So, my results were not horrible but not fantastic either:

Before heading out on the town for the day, I threw together an omelet that ended up quite yummy. In fact, I had to make a second for my kiddo since she was staying home in the AM to finish a project for school and hadn't eaten in her working frenzy. So...the ingredients are as follows: 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 tsp of crumbled bacon bits, 1/2 tsp minced garlic, 1 stick of string cheese (I used the Jalapeno flavor), salt/pepper, salsa.

The rest of my afternoon consisted of spending time in the MD office with my youngest girl. 15 y/o going on 30...she had to get her annual physical out of the way so I took her in to see the doc. It really hit home when I realized that she would probably not even need me to get her there after this annual exam since she will be driving in just a few more months. The years have really flown by! We topped the afternoon off with a late lunch at Panera and shopping at Ross and TJ Maxx. Great to have some good quality time with her since I am sure those opportunities won't always be plentiful. Boo hoo :(

BBQ Pizza...oh so yummy!
 I wrapped up the night with an impromptu date night with my sweetie followed by a Walmart trip to grab the essentials. We enjoyed some delish pizza and beer at Old Chicago but before I started to indulge...I was sure to take my Advocare Carb Ease to help prevent absorbing that full carb load. I am trying to learn the appreciation for fine beer. Just know...I am yet to be able to appreciate it or even like it for the most part. However, I enjoyed a nice combination of Guiness and Hard Cider called a "Snake Bite". Not sure exactly what to make of it since I had nightmares last night for the first time in years. I guess it really was a reaction to the venom (aka..poison) :)

  Enough for today...a little taste of goodness for you to take into tomorrow...

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