Sunday, April 14, 2013

This Little Piggy Went to Market

I apologize ahead of time if you are counting on a report of my elliptical workout or how great I did at eating right today....neither of those happened completely. Instead I spent time working out today but it was lifting a 60 pounder several times and taking a leisurely stroll in the neighborhood. Then I topped off the day by pigging out on my sweetheart's homemade chili. However, if ever I have had a better day at work, I don't recall it with any more fond memory than today.

 I  spent 12 hours with my little fella ( patient) and made loads of memories as we made our way outside for another walk this afternoon. After we returned back to his room, I held him in my lap and snuggled him up tight. We played Itsy Bitsy Spider, This Little Piggy Went to Market, Fard Knocker/Eye Winker, and so on. This young man deserves lots of snuggling and an unlimited amount of attention from everyone that crosses his path. Why? Well, primarily because he is precious but also because he is one of God's chosen living, breathing souls here on earth that already has a special place in Heaven. Cerebral palsy limits him from walking and talking but not from loving others to the Nth degree. He displays so much trust in his caregivers because he has no other choice. Doctors tell his mom that he is functioning on about a 6 month old level despite just celebrating his 12th birthday. If you spend more than an hour with him, you would see so much more to his being than his quirky facial expressions and rigid, erratic movements. He is brilliant but can't always communicate his thoughts. Our Sunday evenings include watching the TV show "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?" If you ask me, he would win that million dollars if he could just communicate his knowledge to the world around him. Jeff Foxworthy would be forking over the big $$ no doubt. The least I can do is treat him with the highest respect and try to love him back as much as possible in my time spent with him. And...I do my best to do just that...LOVE HIM! He definitely gives me a greater purpose in nursing than I could have ever imagined. So thankful and blessed to be his caregiver :)

Through his eyes along our travels today...I will share a few more pics that I snapped. I am working on a picture book for him to detail the seasons so Spring 2013 is in progress.

An eye catcher...1 of several that lined a yard.

In full bloom

Great color contrast

Well, it would be doing this day an injustice if I failed to mention that my man can flat out make a pot of chili taste heavenly. He has tweaked his recipe for a year or so now but I am sorry to tell you...he did not follow his infamous recipe tonight so I can't share the true recipe. He planned on halving the recipe so he started tossing the ingredients in but lost track and doesn't remember adjusting every spice. He also added some cinnamon sugar to the mix. The end result...breath taking! I ate two crazy full bowls of it with a few crushed up Fritos in each bowl. And if that wasn't enough to pack my gut with, he made some banana ice cream for us. Jeez a meez, I sure made a pig of myself but I had been dreaming of his chili all day long. Mouth watering and all :) The take home message is I may never have that same chili again but it has forever been seared into my memories as "the best he has ever made." I am going to have to INSIST that he start taking better mental notes on his recipe adjustments.

Wrapping up this post since I have to have a little snuggle time before this next week begins with the early morning alarm.
Your little taste of goodness:

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