Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Scaling the perspective

Blogging is a form of expression for many. I can tell you that it is one of the best accountability partners that I have ever had. Why? Heck, I don't know. I mean...honestly, who really reads the blog posts? Does anyone really care about the words that I click out in type for the world or the few readers that actually read each post? Perhaps it is my way of putting the honest truth out there for others to either critique or relate to in one way or another. I do my best to put a positive undertone to my posts but some days are just plain dirty thoughts running through my head. For the most part, I am a happy person from the inside out. I truly feel blessed to have a family that gives unconditionally, a job that I enjoy, a man that loves me in spite of me, and kids that I would give my eye teeth for on any given day. On top of all that, I have a few friends that I would not hesitate to go to jail for. Well...maybe not that far...but you get the idea...hehehe. I have made many poor decisions in my life...some have cost me greatly. Overall, I can say that I am living proof that even the undeserving come out on the other side of disaster. :)

I want to share the links to a couple of blogs that I routinely follow. These girls are inspiring as I witness their determination while being at different places in their journey. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do...

1. i am Shelb
2. Runs for Cookies
3. Share Joy

There are days that I feel defeated but I just pick myself up, put my big girl panties on, and keep trudging along. Friends...just know that I am determined to make a difference in my life and in others through my testimony of my ups and downs. If I can help at least one more person with my lessons learned or detailing my struggles and celebrations, then I have been successful. So...that's why I continue blogging and logging the good, the bad, and the ugly of this fight for better health.

It's not just about the scale for me! It's really about feeling good in my own skin. The number on the scale is just that...JUST A NUMBER! I will not be controlled by that figure; I will simply use it to help gauge how the intake affects the outcome. 

My goals can better be detailed more like an algebraic equation: a + b = c 
Healthy, controlled eating + exercise = healthier me

But the truth of the matter is...BMI does matter. One of my biggest wake up calls was at work one afternoon. I was in clinic with one of my docs as he was laboring over a case that was a bit heart breaking. One of his patients desperately needed a lung transplant to survive. As he unfolded the patient's situation right before my very eyes, I realized that the only thing that really stood between that patient and new lungs was her weight (specifically her BMI). She was 5'4" and 246 pounds. Her BMI equated to about 42. In order to be listed for lung transplant, she needed to have a BMI of 25 or less. That would mean that she needed to weigh about 150 pounds. My reasoning to the doc was "Well, give her a chance and the right tools, I bet she would do it without reservation in order to have a chance to see her children grow up." He replied, "She doesn't have that long. She will die before she could lose 100 pounds without losing muscle mass and suffering from malnutrition." That was the moment in time that it clicked for me! It was clear that I needed to think about the long term. I couldn't imagine the sick feeling that I would have in my gut if I had been the one that received that dismal news. I could so that time, I was 5'4" and 249 pounds. Therefore, I decided to make a difference in my life from that day forward.

It's important to note that weighing yourself on a regular basis doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. Stepping on a scale gives me a sense of accountability towards my actions and forces me to keep myself in check. I don't let it dictate my every move nor be the deciding factor on how I feel about myself as a woman, a mother, a wife, or as a friend. It is simply a tool!

Without further delay...WEIGH DAY WEDNESDAY! This week has been a "plateau" if that's what you want to call it. NO loss but no real gain overall on the scale. I will not sweat that 0.2 lb difference from last week since I could probably lose that if I could just pass a little gas..hehehe. However, my jeans are fitting even more loose and my belly feels more firm. I credit those physical changes to the exercise that I have been adding back into my daily routine. I will not worry about the number on the scale as long as I am feeling this great overall.

I completed a full 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning but wanted to take a quick snapshot of my 3 mile pace again. Yippie for me...I am cutting that 3 mile pace down considerably since I have figured out how to move my legs a little faster and control my breathing (or panting). In fact, I feel more conditioned overall since my heart rate stayed around 150-160 bpm for the duration according to my Garmin heart rate monitor.

Your little taste of goodness:

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