Monday, May 27, 2013

My Hot Bald Man

Memorial thankful for those that gave all.

Where do I even begin? This day has been amazing since the alarm clock sounded at 6:30am. My sweetheart had already decided last night that we were going to head out on a run/walk this morning before we started our day. The really cool part is that I was excited to say YES! without even taking a breath. After a little snuggle time, we headed out the door to the pavement all laced up and ready to kick up some heartbeats.

I can't even convey in words how excited I am that my man has decided that being healthier is a key part of our longevity together. We are not guaranteed tomorrow but knowing that we are taking active steps to being healthier each day helps reassure me that we are not just sitting around waiting on chronic health issues to smack us in the face. He had to come to it all on his own like many of us (including myself) must do. Just over a year ago, he had 230+ pounds hung on his 6'2" frame. As you can see, he is no short stuff like me but to carry 230 pounds was a bit of a stretch on his medium frame. He was faced with "either lose weight or decide to treat your high cholesterol and pre-diabetes" after his annual check-up with the doc. He chose the "lose weight route" since he had already said, "I WILL NOT take any medicines." and I said, "Then, you MUST take one of the two options so the only one I see remaining is LOSE WEIGHT."  I can be a turd when I need to be. So...he did just that in a matter of about 4 months and has kept all 30-35 pounds off since then. He has not been much of an exerciser in his adult life since he doesn't get that "feel good feeling" after he runs or walks long distances. To sum it up, he has just humored me by getting out there and doing it for the sake of health (and not having to listen to me)...hehehe. I am happy to say that we have completed probably a dozen 5K races together over the last 18  months or so, and he seems to really enjoy those since you can just about see the finish before you get started good. And of course, one of the best parts of the race is breakfast at Cracker Barrel afterwards (to hear him tell it)....hehehe. So, enough of history...let's talk about today.

We knocked out about 4 miles but that included our warm-up and cool-down laps. We managed to complete almost 10 full intervals of run 2 minutes and walk 1 minute. Either I have gotten faster or he has gotten slower since our last attempt to run together because I could actually keep up with him. The usual pace is he out runs me but then I catch up and pass towards the end since I have a little better endurance for the long haul. However, he can flat kick it with the sprints. Nevertheless, we made it to the end together and that's what really makes me happy.

After our showers, we packed up the cooler with waters, nuts, and protein bars and headed up the road to Turkey Bay in Kentucky. Their yellow and orange diamond trails are do-able for us since we don't have the Jeep off-road ready just yet and that was just enough mud and dirt for this girl today. I love spending that time with my man but there is only so much jostling that one gal can handle on top of the fear of getting stuck or broke.

We took so many neat pictures for our own memory album but most were those kind of "you had to be there" moments since you can't feel the real impact of splashing mud and rutty roads unless you are bouncing around in the doorless/topless Jeep out in the midst of the wildlife.

So, after about an hour and a half wheelin' on the trails, we headed out to Grand Rivers for a fantabulous lunch at Patty's. If you haven't had the pork chop (or anything on their menu for that matter) from Patty's, you MUST go just to see what craziness that I speak of.

The spinach salad with Hot Bacon Dressing...yes, I went there.
2 inches of Pork Chop grilled to perfection with a sweet potato...yum!
Yep, you see it correctly...they serve the bread in the
 flower pot that it's baked in. Sides of Strawberry Butter.....oh my!
So, after we made ourselves quite miserably full, we headed back in the Jeep for the windy ride home. I must add that I did NOT eat even half of my pork chop and only consumed about 3 bites of bread along with my salad and sweet tater. In fact, they have some pretty awesome desserts, but I let them keep them in the kitchen. :)

My doggy bag consisted of about half of a pig that will serve up nicely for lunch tomorrow. "Ethel" greeted us with a smile as we walked out. Gotta love a smile like that! Bless her heart...

 From Patty's to home, it was a quiet hour and a half ride. Wow, we are both tuckered. man just keeps on helping me love this day more all the while dreading work tomorrow by dragging out his guitar. He is so sexy when he sings and plays. Man, I am so in love today...these kind of days are blog worthy if for nothing else than to help me remember how precious he really is to me.

Dessert is in the oven...thanks to Pinterest and my buddy, Shelly. She brought it into the office a week or so ago. Light, fluffy, and delicious...1 can crushed pineapple and 1 box of Angel Food cake. Mix then together and pour it into a 9x13 pan sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. There you have it...a quick and easy dessert after a long day...wheelin' with your honey or just to sweeten the mood for snuggling this evening.

Your little taste of goodness...

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