Sunday, May 5, 2013

On your mark, get set...

Tomorrow marks Day 1 of the 2nd round of the 24 Day Challenge. I started the first one on February 15th at 200.4 pounds. By the end of 24 days, I had dropped 8.6 pounds and many inches. As of a couple of days ago, I weighed in at 185.8 pounds and ready for the "challenge" ahead. Therefore, if my math is correct, I have lost almost 15 pounds in about 11 weeks and a jean size (14-16 now). I am more comfortable in the Large shirt now as well and have completely resigned the XL from the wardrobe. Between completing the first 24 day challenge and now, I have continued to take the MNS supplements as well as added ThermoPlus and Catalyst to my daily regimen. Drinking the Meal Replacement Shakes have continued to be part of my morning since they are yummy and easy for on-the-go busy start to most days. I am ready for more shrinkage!

I believe in the AdvoCare products because eating cleaner makes a gradual and steady difference in the scale but the products make a drastic difference in my energy and my bank account. Now, that statement probably didn't make sense to you..."the products made a difference in my bank account" let me explain. Through sharing my experience and enthusiasm with AdvoCare products to my friends and family, I have been able to earn a fairly nice income as a distributor/advisor over the last 6 weeks or so. AdvoCare takes care of their customers so they are very generous to give a nice discount on product but I also earn a fair commission on the products that are bought under my distributorship site. After attending the Spring Breakthrough Conference here locally over this past weekend, I learned so much more about the company and its integrity. One of the leaders summed up the company so well when he described AdvoCare as a "leadership training disguised as a nutritional supplement company." This description couldn't be more true. My dreams of earning a supplemental income while helping others find better health are coming to reality day by day along with building stronger leadership skills for my own personal life. On a side note, I got to see Jon Acuff speak live on stage at the event. WoW! What an amazing speaker from his first word until the last. I am supercharged and ready to continue reading his latest book...

Now...back to this day...
Tomorrow, I will weigh in bright and early, swallow the Fiber Drink down the hatch, and hit the pavement for a little mental therapy with a couple of friends. Day 1 of the Cleanse Phase along with my continued commitment to ramp up the exercise will be well under way before many of you even hear the alarm but I must start early before my mind/body wakes up and figures out what I am up to...hehehe. I plan to document each morsel that I put past my lips over the next 24 days so that I can share this with my fellow "Challengers" in the future. I have prided myself on being Honest Abe in my blog, and I will not change my commitment now to save face no matter the craziness that the next 3 1/2 weeks bring my way. That being said...just know that I will not leave out the bad and ugly of the next 24 days while documenting the good as well. After all, I would be cheating myself if I did since I have "nothing to gain and everything to lose" if I am compliant with my nutrition and make my mistakes track-able so I don't repeat them in the future.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I am off work this whole next week from Vandy. In fact, I am off next weekend as well. We have our first 5K race next Saturday (May 11th) in Portland...The Strawberry Stride. The family has agreed to do it with me since it is Mother's Day weekend. My original plan for 2013 was to complete 13 races in 2013. Considering the Strawberry Stride will be my official first this year, I can only hope I get half that many in but I will give it my best. My weekend work schedule has put quite a damper on the race schedule but I have been blessed just the same with opportunity to love on my sweet little patient that I speak of in my blog on occasion.

Well, enough for tonight...gotta get some rest so that my 5am curbside accountability partners will not be doing it alone :) Stay tuned tomorrow for my official BEFORE pics as well as a few details on the revival of Team Decreasers with the Pulmonary Clinic staff. Last week, several folks came to me requesting my help to start a Biggest Loser Competition ASAP since they were ready to get serious about losing pounds and ready for those summer shorts/bathing suits. The last competition was back in 2011 and was packed with LOSERS. Love teamwork and healthy competition!

Sweet dreams and here is your taste of goodness...

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