Friday, May 3, 2013

Punching Fat in the Face

I can't help but be excited about my world that surrounds me these days. This week has been a bit of a blur since Monday so I apologize for not getting some words in print for you to see just how much fun I have had. However, I do need to recap a little about yesterday and then bring us to the here and now...Friday. Yesterday started out with me getting dressed for work in my workout clothes. Why, you ask? Well, I had the opportunity to do a quick photo shoot before work with my dearest sister-from-another-mother, Denetra (RCK Photography). She offered to do some BEFORE and AFTER shots for me as I will be starting my next 24 Day Challenge on Monday (May 6). If you are wondering what I am talking about when I say "challenge" then here is the link for you...AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge. And if you want to know how to get started, then message me so I can help you get a discount and prepare you to feel better than you have in years. In fact, I wrote to one of my friends yesterday and said, "I am so glad that I no longer feel 60 at 40." Of course, my laugh lines show my age but my joints, mind, and body are feeling more like I did at 20.

The photo shoot was nothing less than packed with fun. I do have to share one funny. Denetra and I were trying to get just the right lighting for one of the pictures. The sun wasn't shining in just the right angle so she was using this flying saucer-shaped window shade looking thingy to help reflect. Now, I know those are fancy words but heck...I don't know the professional photographer lingo but you get my drift. Despite trying to prop the flying saucer up on the hand rail, etc., we still couldn't get it to work. So..what did I do? Well, the obvious...I just walked over to the next unsuspecting pedestrian and recruited her to be Denetra's assistant. Needless to say, I am sure we were a topic of conversation at her dinner table last night.."You know, the craziest thing happened to me today at Vanderbilt. I was just walking and minding my own business and out jumps this chick with a headband and workout clothes on asking me to help with some photos." Well, the rest is history...

After the work day was complete, I made my way home and managed to recruit my buddy, Angie, as well as the hubby and my Beast Mode P90Xer daughter, Dannah, to walk a bit before dinner. We managed to knock out a little over 2 1/2 miles in about 35 minutes before we were all starving and ready to eat a little Mexican food. Don't judge...YES, we ate Mexican but still kept it pretty clean overall. I had burned about 300 calories with the walk so I did have some chips and Salsa Verde. No RITAS though...see, I do have some control :)

OK, so this morning I jumped on the scale since my last weight was documented on Monday rather than Weigh Day Wednesday. Even though I have had homemade pizza...

on Wednesday and fajitas last night, I still am holding it below 186. I have big plans for this evening and tomorrow as I will be hanging with good people with common goals of wellness/fitness at an AdvoCare event in Brentwood called Spring Breakthrough. That being said, the next couple of days are going to be ridiculously fun. Then, my sweetheart's 45th birthday is Sunday...Cinco de Mayo. We are not planning anything spectacular so I think I will cook him a good dinner after spending the entire day with him doing just what he wants to do.

Stay tuned for my Monday post since it will detail what is going to happen for the next 12 weeks at work with the revival of Team Decreasers and a biggest loser competition among our clinic staff along with the Day 1 of my Challenge starting with all hands on deck for the hard work ahead. I will be posting my BEFORE pics that Denetra took yesterday as well. Just a little something to think on...this is a picture of me in 2010 before I started this journey.

Seeing this snapshot while I was on a business trip in California in July 2010 is part of what helped me see that I needed to turn my life around. Do you have some of those same "treasures" buried at the bottom of your picture box? If so, take a minute to look through them and decide if you are on the right track. I am so glad that I just took that step to making each day count and making new memories along the way. I am not just about the weight on the scales anymore...I am about my mental health as well. Love yourself enough to seek that happy place! :)

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